Love Triangle Six Books of Torn Desire - Willow Winters Page 0,400

the rink, snapping both of us out of our trance. Our bodies become rigid, the moment breaking as quickly as it began…just like all those years ago.

She blinks repeatedly, then a look of horror crawls across her expression. “I need to go,” she says hurriedly, pushing against me. I roll off her, raising myself to my skates.

Unsure what to say, I wordlessly help her back to a standing position. The instant she has her balance, she takes off, skating toward the edge of the rink. I chase after her, catching up with ease. Guilt seeming to ooze from every pore in her body, she keeps her head lowered. I hate that she won’t look at me. Acid burns deep in my stomach at what we almost did, how I almost kissed my sister’s best friend. My sister’s engaged best friend. I’ve been cheated on and it’s a horrible feeling. How could I put Brooklyn in that position?

I follow her back to where she left her shoes, smiling a greeting at the swarms of kids filling the rink for this morning’s practice session. There’s so much I want to say, but don’t even know where to start.

“Listen, Drew,” she begins when I remain awkwardly silent. Her trembling fingers make it difficult for her to undo her laces, so I kneel to help her. She withdraws her hands, allowing me to unlace her skates. “What we almost did…” She lowers her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t,” I respond, my voice firm. Neither one of us speaks as I effortlessly remove both skates. Then I meet her eyes. “You have nothing to be sorry about,” I add softly. “It takes two to tango.”

She grabs her boots and yanks them back over her skinny jeans. “But I should have known better. I do know better. What just almost happened…” Standing, she gestures to the rink. “It can’t happen. It won’t happen. I don’t know what came over me. I guess I was lost in the rush of skating. Wes has been nothing but good to me.” She avoids my eyes. “He deserves better than me almost kissing someone else.” When she returns her gaze to mine, I see the remorse clear as day. It looks like she’s on the brink of tears. “Especially you.”

She spins around and hurries toward the exit, skirting kids gearing up for their lesson, their parents helping with their skates.

“Brooklyn, wait!” I call, darting after her, the thin blades on my feet no impediment. Reaching for her arm, I force her to stop. “Don’t run away from this.”

“From what? There’s nothing here. At one time, I did think there was, but I’ve learned from that lapse of judgment. Yes, you were my first real kiss, but that was years ago, when we were young and made some really bad mistakes. So if you don’t mind, I need to get ready for lunch with Wes’ mother, who’s flown into town so we can start planning our wedding.”

Those words hit me square in the gut. I’m on the brink of finally telling her the truth of what really happened, why I broke the promise I made her, but don’t. It’s not worth it. It won’t change anything.

When I drove to the rink, the last thing I expected was to almost kiss her. Now it’s all I can think about—the feel of her body against mine, the heat of her breath intermingling with mine, the way every inch of me craves her in a way I didn’t think it ever would again.

“Is that what you want?” I press, my voice unsteady.

She opens her mouth, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. There’s a subtle tremble in her lower lip as she responds. “It’s too late for what I want.”

The sincerity in her answer surprises me, although it shouldn’t. She’s always been one of the most honest people I know. I drop my hold on her. “And what’s that?”

She shakes her head, shrugging. “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Then she turns and disappears out the doors, still ignorant of the truth.

Chapter Eight


“Sorry I’m late,” I say breathlessly as I hurry toward a small private table in the dining room at the exclusive country club where Wes is a member. Wes and his father, James, immediately stand when they see me approach.

“No worries,” Mr. Bradford states jovially, leaving a kiss on my cheek. “We just placed our orders. Wes took it upon himself to order for you.”

I smile at Wes, allowing him to kiss my cheek, as well, his Copyright 2016 - 2024