To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,78

photographs of his facility and some of the dogs. Looking back, Joseph noticed Lionel and Alejandro standing near the barn, their arms crossed over their chests, scowls on their faces, and eyes staring straight at the vehicle as they pulled out of the drive.

As he started to turn onto the road heading back to the main highway, Samantha’s hand snatched over and clamped onto his thigh. “Turn the other way. I want to see if this road brings us around to the back of his property.”

He did as she asked but swung his head around to look at her. “What are you looking for?”

“I don’t know. Mostly just curious. His kennels looked amazing, and it’s obvious he’s spent a ton of money on it. Of course, his dogs bring in a lot of money as well. I guess I’m just wondering if we saw it all.”

“You think he’s got something hidden somewhere else on the property?”

“It’s so hard to imagine him risking his reputation as a champion breeder, but his property is not too far from where my client said their dog came from.”

Joseph slowed as they continued on the road curling around to the back of the acreage. “Don’t you think he would’ve been looking if he had a dog run off?”

“Not if it was a hybrid and shouldn’t have been here to begin with.”

They peered through the thick woods that lined the property but could see nothing untoward. She rolled her window down, and he cut the engine so she could hear. The sound of dogs barking in the distance could be heard, but there was no way to discern if they were the dogs from the vendor kennel or somewhere else. Sighing, she leaned back and rolled her window up.

“Disappointed?” he asked.

She scrunched her nose as she shook her head. “Not really. On one hand, it was great to see such a beautiful kennel and meet someone who so obviously loves their animals. On the other hand, I guess I was hoping I could find something definitive to report to Liam.” She huffed loudly, her hands waving in the air. “It’s just so ridiculous. Wolves are considered an exotic animal, protected state-by-state, and regulated state-by-state. But then, that just makes some people traffic them or own them illegally and make money off of it. Then each state can regulate hybrids. And some states, like Virginia, allow each locality to regulate them. And while a full-blooded wolf can’t be owned, a hybrid could be seventy-five percent wolf or more.”

She rubbed her forehead and said, “Honestly, I just don’t want to see unsuspecting owners end up with an animal that’s supposed to be a family pet that could have tendencies of non-domestication. On top of that, the idea of breeding these animals to use them in dogfighting makes me sick.”

“I’m sorry, babe. I know you were hoping to find something more definitive. I gotta tell you, the looks of his employees made me wonder if he was up to something.”

“I know! As friendly as Jim was, Lionel and Alejandro gave off a private air.” Leaning back in her seat, she said, “Enough of this for now. Are you ready to show me Betty’s house? Or rather, I should say your house as of this weekend.”

He looked over, thrilled to see the smile back on her face. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other clasping hers in her lap, he nodded. “Babe, as of this weekend, it’s our house.”


Samantha stood in the living room and looked around. Home. Well, her new, temporary home as of yesterday. Obviously, it was much bigger than her camper even if it didn’t quite feel familiar. She was glad it came furnished considering neither she nor Joseph had any furniture of their own. When Betty and Sid moved out, they left the major pieces of furniture, only taking personal items with them.

The sofa was a bit worn, but that only served to make her cringe less since Frodo had claimed it as his. At the moment, he was attempting to sleep on one side of the large cushions with Pip and Merry curled up next to him. She had brought her colorful pillows and bedspread from the camper, making this house feel a little more like her own space. She’d also brought her Lord of the Rings statuettes and placed them on the mantle.

It had only been a couple of weeks since Joseph told her about his new plans, but she’d witnessed Copyright 2016 - 2024