To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,76

“Not big enough? I thought you liked my home.”

His arms banded around her middle, and he squeezed. “I love your home—”

“I thought you didn’t mind it being a camper.”

“Babe, I’ve told you, I’ve lived in a lot of campers. I’ve got nothing against you living in a camper—”

“I don’t understand.”

He squeezed again and chuckled. “You’re not giving me a chance to explain. Some things take more than just a word, you know?”

Huffing, she plopped back down so her cheek was on his chest, eliciting a small grunt from him. “Okay, you’re right.”

“The irony wasn’t lost on me when I met you that you were entrenched in this area and yet lived so simply. And I was the one who usually had one foot out the door and yet had a nice apartment.”

She leaned up again to peer down at him. “Do you want to stay at your apartment? I know it’s bigger, but what about Frodo?”

“No, not the apartment. Jason can rent it easily to someone else who really wants to live in Baytown. Look, Samantha, I know you own this land and want to build a house on it sometime, but I wondered how much you wanted to live in this camper.”

She sucked in her lips. “Honey, I just don’t have the money right now to make a down payment for a builder to start working on a house. I figure in a couple more years, if the clinic keeps going the way it is, then I will.”

“But what about if you had somewhere else to live until then?”

Her brow furrowed. “You know what I said about your communication? Well, I take it back. I have no idea what you’re asking me!”

His chuckle filled her ears, and she smiled.

“Okay, babe, here it is. Betty and Sid want to rent their house. They might come back one day, and until they know for sure, they just want to rent it and not sell. They suggested that I rent it since it would keep me close to the shelter. It’s got three bedrooms, an updated kitchen, and two large, updated bathrooms. There’s a patio in the back and a front porch.”

She pushed against his chest as she rose to stare wide-eyed at him. Waiting to see what else he would say, she finally said, “You want to rent their house? Move into their house? With me and Frodo, too?”

“Yeah, babe. We’re all a packaged deal as far as I’m concerned. You, me, Frodo, Pip, and Merry.”

A packaged deal. Those simple words stole her breath and caused her heart to stutter. Her fingers flexed into the material of his shirt, needing to hold her legs in place before she melted into him. “Oh, my God, Joseph! I’d love to. I adore my camper but have to admit that sometimes it gets really crowded. And when I’m at your apartment, I love the shower. But then I feel guilty about Frodo.”

“We’ll go see it tomorrow after we check out the breeder. If you like it, then we’ll tell Betty that we’ll take it—umph!”

She pitched forward, her lips landing on his, stilling his words… but with other parts of his anatomy responding, she grinned.

Joseph stayed in the background as Samantha toured Bender’s Breeding Kennels. Jim Bender had greeted them warmly, his smile wide with pride as he showed them his facility. He brought them inside his house, showing off the awards, medals, and certificates of his dogs and their offspring that had gone on to win at shows and competitions. The ruddy-cheeked, barrel-chested man was dressed comfortably in jeans and a denim shirt with his kennel’s logo stitched over the pocket. His hair was still dark, although hints of silver were beginning to show.

Joseph looked up as an attractive woman walked in, her blonde hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail and her makeup subtle. She reminded him of one of the owners of the Georgia peach orchard he’d worked in, a mixture of casual country while their appearance still screamed they were the landed gentry. He had no doubt this woman’s clothes and leather boots were expensive while appearing casual.

“And here’s my better half, Paula.” Jim threw his arm around the woman, giving her shoulders a squeeze. “I was just starting to show them all our awards.”

Paula preened, her hand waving toward the cabinets filled with ribbons and plaques. “As you can see, we only breed the best.”

“My dogs have gone on to be champions for years,” he said, puffing out his chest.

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