To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,46

I can’t imagine that Susan or Tonya have changed what they’re doing, but I thought once we get this order in, I’ll pay closer attention.”

Samantha lifted her hands and placated, “Hey, I’m not throwing around accusations. If anyone knows how crazy things have been lately, it’s me. I find it strange that none of our other drugs seem to be missing or short, but it’s not like vaccinations are high on a black market list.” She rolled her shoulders, shifting her neck back and forth to ease the tension. Looking back down at the papers, she signed the forms and pushed them across the desk toward Annette. “I agree, let’s just keep a closer eye on things going forward.”

Annette nodded her agreement and smiled. “Was there anything else?”

“Yeah. Have you heard of Bender Breeders?”

“Big dogs, I think. I’m pretty sure they’re north, near the Maryland line.” Annette cocked her head to the side and scrunched her brow. “Are you thinking of taking them on as clients?”

“Oh, hell no! They’d never ask, and I don’t have time to deal with a breeder who expects house calls.”

“Not to mention I’ll bet they’re picky like Hazel Woods and her little show dogs she breeds.”

Samantha grinned. “You’re probably right.” She looked out the front window and spied the Easton Police Chief vehicle pull into the parking lot. “Looks like my ride is here.”

“Enjoy your evening,” Annette called out as she left the office.

As Annette hurried back to the front, a smile crossed Samantha’s lips as she thought about Joseph picking her up. I wonder if we’ll be on the back of his bike… Suddenly, that thought made her wonder about what to wear since they were going to dinner. Grabbing her cell phone, she sent a quick text.

What should I wear? Are we going on your bike?

It only took a minute for his reply to come back.

Wear whatever you want. And if you want on the back of my bike, that's where you’ll be.

Excitement lurched through her at the thought of riding with him again.

Absolutely. I'll dress accordingly!

Pick you up at 6

Shoving her phone into her bag, she was anxious to get the meeting over with so she had time to get ready for her date. Grinning widely, she hurried out to the parking lot.


Samantha looked around the table at the others she’d gotten to know over the past couple of years, not only through their jobs but the American Legion. The gathering was ensconced in a utilitarian conference room at the Acawmacke Sheriff’s Office. Liam had invited her to the Law Enforcement Leaders meeting, and around the table were Hannah, Dylan, Colt, Mitch, and Wyatt. He’d explained that the various police chiefs and two Eastern Shore sheriffs got together monthly to discuss any items that would be of interest to all of them.

“We know your time is valuable, Sam,” Liam began. “We just need your expertise.”

“Whatever you need, just ask.”

“What can you tell us about wolf-dog hybrids?”

Jerking slightly, her brows snapped together. “Well, they aren’t allowed in North Heron or Acawmacke Counties, but I’m sure you already knew that. They are regulated as exotic animals, and in Virginia, each locality can determine what they will allow.” Giving her head a little shake, she added, “Of course, as law enforcement, you already knew that. I’m sorry, what exactly are you looking for?”

“Honestly, anything you can tell us about possible wolf breeding. And please, don’t assume we know anything about the subject other than just the local laws.”

“Oh, okay.” She nodded, gathering her thoughts. “Well, wolves and dogs are canines. They are inter-fertile, which means that they can breed. It’s possible to occur in the wild, but it’s not as common as you might think. In fact, because of the territorial nature of wolves, they protect their ranges from intruding canines such as dogs, coyotes, and other wolves. But they can also be commercially bred in areas that allow that.”

“So, where legally allowed, someone can keep a wolf to specifically breed with dogs?” Hannah asked.

Shaking her head, Samantha replied, “No. Well, I should say no one should. Usually, someone has a dam or a sire that is a wolf-dog hybrid that they breed with the dog.”

“Which would just make a more diluted wolf-dog hybrid?” Hannah asked, her confusion evident in her furrowed brow.

“Essentially, yes, but then for someone buying a wolf-hybrid, it doesn’t have to be fifty percent wolf and fifty percent dog. In fact, that would not be preferable. Too unpredictable.”

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