Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,83

shit he should have had ready days before, for eight the next morning.”

“That’s wrong, Cass. You got proof, right?”

Cassie nodded. “I do. Voicemails. Emails.”

“Then why don’t you go to Elijah with it? Brandon’s throwing both of us under the bus. I’m collecting a list of stuff he’s fucked up on my end. We could compile it and talk to Elijah together.”

“It’s unfair. But I think we both know Elijah won’t do anything because Brandon is his nephew. It won’t get me promoted. And it won’t get Brandon out of your hair. He wants to be on this project so badly, he’d find a way to get you kicked off The Grosvenor. He’ll say he can’t work with you after the complaint you made against him, and next thing you know, you’re working on an extension to an assisted living facility.”

Or a distillery. Or a hospital extension. Suddenly, those things didn’t feel as bad in comparison to dealing with Brandon every day until she got another job offer.

Bruce flopped into his chair. “Fuckin’ A.”

“Fuckin’ A,” she repeated. “I know this company is regarded as one of the best in New York, and I know their project track record is incredible, but I’m tired of swimming against the tide.”

“So, ConTerra?”

“Yeah, I figured the easiest way to solve this was to get away from the codependent relationship Elijah and Brandon have. I know it sounds like running away, but ConTerra has a great team, and if the rumors are true, they have some great projects on the book. Word is they’ve got a development coming to rival Hudson Yards.”

“Figured. You’re really fucking good at your job, Cass.”

“Well, that’s where I hope you can help. You’re a well-respected site manager, Bruce. You’re well-known in the industry. I was hoping you might give me a reference.”

“Least I could do. I’d be more than happy to put in a word. In fact, a guy in operations over in ConTerra used to work with me over at GFW before it was bought out by ArCon. I’ll put in a word with him too, see if he can’t grease the wheels a little for you.”

“You’re the best, Bruce.”

“It would suck to lose you, but I get why you can’t work with that dillweed, Brandon.”

Cassie let out a laugh. “Dillweed?”

“Yeah. Beavis and Butt-Head. You know. Like a dickhead.”

“Got it.”

The door to the cabin burst open and Brandon stepped in.

“Speaking of dillweed,” Bruce muttered under his breath, and they both laughed.

“Something funny?” Brandon asked.

“Gardening talk,” Bruce replied. “Talking about this weed I got that seems to be strangling the life out of everything in the garden. Can’t seem to get rid of it.”

Brandon nodded, knowingly. “Have you tried poisoning it? Or maybe taking a flamethrower to it?”

Bruce looked over at her, and Cassie had to cough to cover the laughter she let slip.

“I’ll give it some thought.” Bruce grabbed his hard hat and walked toward the door. “I’ll make that call, Cass.”

“What call?” Brandon asked as he took a seat opposite Cassie’s desk.

“To the electrician’s union lead.” It was a little white lie, but she didn’t want Brandon knowing what they really talked about. “We want to talk options to pull the plan back on schedule, given the delay of the wire due to the procurement issues.”

“It wasn’t procurement,” Brandon snapped.

“Brandon. Listen,” Cassie said. “You can tell Elijah whatever you want, but don’t act like we both don’t know what happened. You know the software keeps revisions, but did you also know it keeps a record of who updated it. It shows the day you went in there and put the cable procurement on the critical plan because it wasn’t, though it should have been.”

Brandon’s face drained of color. “But I didn’t . . . it wasn’t . . . you need to—”

Cassie sighed. “I don’t need to do anything, Brandon. You’re doing a grand job of messing this up all by yourself.”

He stood quickly. “You seem to have forgotten who is in charge here.”

“Nope. Not forgotten. Just reminding you that our software keeps track of who messed up. And it wasn’t the electricians.”

Brandon paced. “I need an update status on the north wing of the hotel to review with Elijah first thing Monday morning.”

“And why are you telling me this at four on a Friday?”

Brandon narrowed his eyes. “Because you need to do it for me.”

“Pretty sure I don’t,” Cassie said, even though the review would only take her an hour. She’d spent the afternoon with the fit-out crew Copyright 2016 - 2024