Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,58

bringing her everything she wanted as she felt her orgasm start to build.

“Yes, yes,” she cried. “Just like that, Jake.”

“I’ve got you,” he grunted. “Christ, you feel so fucking good, Cass. I could lose myself in you.”

She felt the same way, and his words tipped her over the edge. “Oh, God. I’m going to come, Jake.”

“Right with you, love. Right. Fucking. With. You.”

As he tensed against her, her orgasm exploded deep within her very center, causing her legs to shake. Every time they came together, it got better and better. He played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

Jake gasped against her ear—the sound of him losing control was the hottest sound in the world. “Tell me again why we’re going out tonight.”

“Because I’m on operation Charm Your Sisters. Going out for drinks with them seemed like a good idea.”

Jake pulled out of her and flopped next to her on the bed.

“It is, but I’d rather cancel poker and stay home to poke you instead.”

Cassie burst out laughing. “That is so crudely awful. I shouldn’t find it funny.”

“Yet here we are.”

She turned to her side and propped her head up. “I missed you today.”

Jake grinned. “I got that. I like the way you showed me. Walking in to you wearing nothing but one of my shirts, opened so I could see every bit of you, was the perfect end to the day.”

“The fact I’m still wearing the shirt supports that.”

Jake ran a finger along the collar and down the row of buttons. “Looks better on you than on me.”

“Then you won’t mind if I steal it when I go home.” The words slipped out before she could stop them.

Jake shrugged. “What’s mine is yours,” he muttered quietly.

She had no idea why she felt the urge to remind him she was leaving. But a little voice buried way deep down inside her, a voice she really didn’t want to listen to, told her it was because she needed to remind herself.

She needed to remember this wasn’t permanent. No matter how much it felt like . . . everything.

Jake gripped her hip and tugged her closer, biting on his lip as he studied her. “You better take it with you. I won’t be able to wear it without thinking of how you look right now. Hair all mussed up because I fucked you. Eyes wide because you know as well as I do, it’s not going to be as easy as just going home. This shirt will remind you of this. Us. Everything.”

She placed her hand on his cheek. “Jake.”

“It is what it is, love.” He slipped out of her reach and out of bed. “Come on, lazy butt. Let’s shower and grab a snack before we head out.”

He reached for her hand and tugged her to him.

Two hours later, after Jake had dropped her off at the restaurant to head to his poker game with Connor and his friends, with a promise to pick her up when she called, Cassie felt as though she were under siege.

“Can you really not come work here in Denver?” Olivia asked. “Like, isn’t ArCon doing the kind of projects you want to work on?”

Cassie slowly spun the stem of her wine glass. “I looked into it. They are good, but I don’t think I could work for a company who decimated my dad’s work force.”

Emerson nodded. “I understand, but isn’t that a one-time thing? Yes, they sucked the talent out of the market. But that’s done. Surely the pace of their hiring will slow now.”

“Possibly. But like every construction firm, they’ll be looking to grow. Even if I could put aside the mess they created for Dad, I couldn’t handle seeing the people who let him down. It would be too hypocritical.”

“Why do you love New York so much?” Emerson asked.

Cassie nodded. “My definition of a commute is taking transit from Park Slopes across Manhattan, Long Island, New Jersey, wherever the project is. And I get to sleep in my own bed every night. The rate of non-residential construction in New York City is seven times higher than Denver. But it’s the scale of the work I’m inspired by.”

“That doesn’t mean there aren’t great construction projects here, does it?”

Cassie understood what Emerson was trying to do. She was trying to fix it for Jake. “Infrastructure and mixed-use construction are only really cooking in certain places. California, Texas, and New York are the top three cities. And honestly, given earthquakes and tornadoes scare the shit out Copyright 2016 - 2024