Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,45

of this feeling. The knowing that this was so much more.

But in some ways, she’d been correct. To put a name on it gave it weight and meaning. And weight and meaning would make it impossible to say goodbye to her in a month when she went back to New York.

Because as it was, she’d already be taking a piece of his heart with her when she left.

“I’m going to take a shower, love,” Jake said, kissing her chastely on the forehead. He ran his hands down her body, skimming the side of her breast, tickling her slightly as he ran his calloused palms over her hip. “Damn. Wish I could stay here all day.”

He kissed her again, but this time with every hint of what he’d rather be staying in bed doing.

Cassie smiled as he threw back the covers on his side of the bed and walked to the bathroom completely naked, the muscles in his back and shoulders flexing as he moved. Since she’d arrived, she’d never seen him hit the gym once. Sure, he’d been out on his bike with Connor, and he’d been trail running with Anders, but he certainly wasn’t obsessed with fitness. His physique was one of a man who worked hard in a physically demanding job, then enjoyed the outdoors in his free time. What little free time he had.

As the perfect curve of his firm ass disappeared behind the door, she flopped back on the bed.

What a way to start a Sunday.

She closed her eyes and allowed herself to daydream a little. If they weren’t so busy, they could hunt down a farmer’s market, perhaps take a hike with a picnic. But Jake had a day of distilling, and she needed to go over some details for the hospital wing construction project that weren’t quite adding up.

At the sound of the shower starting she grinned, reminding her of the day she’d gotten off in his spare bed. It had only been half an hour since they’d made love, and it surprised her that she already felt turned on again.

She slipped out of bed and wandered into the shower, where Jake was rinsing suds from his hair. “Room for two in there?”

Jake opened his eyes, wiped the water from his face, and then pushed the glass door open and dragged her playfully inside. “Always.” He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her. Deep, drugging kisses that made her forget about responsibilities and New York. As they kissed, he turned her around so the warm water hit her back, then he pushed her beneath the spray, his lips still against hers, as water cascaded over the two of them.

It was impossible to breathe with water spluttering everywhere and Jake began to laugh, finally releasing her. “Wash your hair,” he ordered. “If you’re going to hijack my shower, you need to at least be productive.”

Cassie grinned and reached for his shampoo. “And what are you going to be doing?”

Jake gripped her hips. “What I was thinking about doing when I jerked off in here.”

His words hit her right in her clit. It shouldn’t be so damn easy. “Remind me,” she said softly.

Jake dropped to the white tile floor of the shower and ran a fingertip along the line of her pubic hair. “Hmm.” He slid his palm gently between her legs. “First, I was going to kiss my way here.” He leaned forward and pressed a line of kisses down her stomach, pausing to lick her belly button, before he nudged her thighs apart.

It tickled, but she was too hot to stop him. “Then what?” She was aware she’d completely stopped any attempt at washing her hair and still held the shampoo bottle in her hand.

“There was mention of sucking,” he mumbled. “Definitely sucking.”

He licked her clit and then sucked, harder than she expected, but the sensation rippled all the way down to her toes. She dropped the shampoo bottle and pressed her hands out to the wall and glass door. Anything to help her remain standing while Jake ruthlessly took her with his mouth.

Water ran down between them, over her nipples, down her torso.

She let go of the wall and gripped his hair. Holding him exactly where she wanted, right where she needed him.

Jake eased his finger inside her, the move making her jump, and her abs tighten. “Keep doing that, Jake.”

He did as she asked, sliding at the pace she knew was going to lead to a third orgasm that morning. Copyright 2016 - 2024