Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,29

you figure?”

“Sure, I got a fancy new title and a shit ton more work. But you got a less fancy title, a shit ton more work, and your work has prevented you from having a life for well over a year. I didn’t want to go on vacation because it didn’t seem fair when you couldn’t. I only went because you and Connor tag-teamed me. You’re tied to this place. Twenty-four seven. We need to figure out a way to end it.”

The pressure in his chest eased a little. “Just doing what I’ve got to do to keep us going. More production, better sales, more brand awareness, higher income, faster we get new stills. The more stills I can run in a shift, the less time I need to be here. It’s very self-serving of me.”

Emerson slapped his arm playfully. “Don’t joke with me when I’m being serious. I haven’t properly appreciated your efforts, and you’ve probably made the greatest sacrifices of us all.”

“Okay. Fine. I’ll take your thanks. Repay me by buying me a fourth still as soon as is humanly possible. Buy me a fifth one and I’ll consider the debt repaid in full.”

Emerson held out her hand and he took it, allowing her a forceful handshake. “Done. Right, seeing I wasn’t supposed to be here today, I’m hoping I can persuade Cassie to take the afternoon off with me. We can go see her dad together and then maybe grab some food.”

“Good luck with dragging her away. Why don’t I do a barbecue tomorrow night at my place? A family get-together. You and Connor, Liv and Anders. You can invite Ali, Olivia can invite Natalie, and I’ll see if any of the poker guys can make it. I don’t know if Cass’ll still be here, but it would be fun for her too, if she is.”

“Oh, good idea. I’ll grab food for about ten people. Liv can grab alcohol. You can do all the work.”

“So, like usual, you mean?”

Emerson laughed. “Unfortunately, yes. Unless you want me manning your grill.”

“Dear God. No. A man’s grill is sacred.”

Emerson shook her head as she walked toward the exit. “Keep thinking like that, caveman. It’s probably the reason you’re single.”

Being single while his sisters had hooked up around him hadn’t bothered him the slightest, until right now. The idea of a future for him and Cassie flickered through his mind. But she was going back to New York. It was stupid to sleep with her over some kind of ridiculous short-term itch, which would make it awkward for every future time they were in the same place, no matter how great the idea was.

And it really was a fucking amazing idea.

With a sigh, he parked thoughts of Cassie as he checked on the large macerators set up for the morning’s production run.

The scent of it was strong, pungent even. But when it hit the palate it was so smooth. Herbal notes from the inky blackthorn berries and pine notes from spring-grown spruce shoots led. It was followed by the peppery botanicals and ended with the aromatic aftertaste of ripe blackberries and the mint and citrus combination of lemon balm.

Once he had everything running smoothly, his thoughts returned to Cassie.

He ran his hand over his face. Fuck it. He should go to the old events hall to make sure Cassie had all the information she needed to help them get the program back on track.

Not because it had been two hours since he’d said farewell by telling her to cry out his name.

He jogged up the stairs and grabbed some sodas out of the fridge and was relieved he’d thought to do so when he wandered out of the distillery across the lot. A heat haze rose off the asphalt, and he was glad his truck was parked in the shade. As he approached the building, he could see Emerson in a hard hat. She was gesticulating and Cassie was nodding as she made notes on a rather officious looking clipboard.

As he got closer, he could hear them.

“How close are you to making a decision about a fourth still?” Cassie asked.

“I have a meeting with our accountant soon to figure that out. Lord knows Jake needs it.”

“Hey, thought you guys might want a cold drink?” he said as he approached them.

“Oh, you’re a life saver.” Emerson took the can of cola from him.

“Thanks.” Cassie held his gaze as she took the can. “It’s hotter than Hades today.”

He liked the idea she hadn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024