Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,13

the eggs and chewed, stalling so she didn’t need to put words to the tiny voice inside her willing to admit she’d missed them too.

Big construction was her dream. And she knew if she’d stayed anywhere remotely near Denver for school, her father would have roped her into the family firm. She needed something more than a small distillery overhaul or even a Brooklyn school. She needed skyscrapers and bridges and harbor reclamations. And a boss who wasn’t her father, even if it meant she had to deal with all the shit Elijah threw at her to succeed.

“I missed you all too. But Marianne and I haven’t got on since the day we were introduced, when I was thirteen years old. I don’t envy my dad his happiness, if that’s what he’s found with Marianne. And Lord knows he deserves it after mom left us. But he was also oblivious to how Marianne wanted to be the only woman in his life and there wasn’t room for a young girl.”

Jake threw his arm over her shoulder. It was a friendly move, one he’d done a million times before. But suddenly, his heat and proximity, and memories of his body fresh out of the shower, washed over her.

“I think your dad knows that. And I think a piece of him regrets it.”

“Maybe. But it’s too little too late. I don’t think of Denver as home anymore, and I don’t think I ever will.”

I just got a hard-on for my sister’s friend.

Jake repeated the words for the fiftieth time since he’d seen Cassie’s gaze roam his post-shower body.

“Oh, God. She’s here already,” Cassie said, shaking him from the thought as they pulled up in front of the hospital. “And how does she always manage to dress so damn perfectly?”

Jake looked in the direction of the entrance and saw Marianne walking toward the double doors. Immaculately dressed, sunglasses and heels on. “According to the magazines Liv reads, it’s one of those things we’re all supposed to have figured out by the age of thirty.”

Cassie groaned. “I’m thirty-one, Jake. If thirty was the cut off, I’ve failed miserably. I spend my days in khakis and hi-vis jackets and hard hats. My biggest fashion dilemma is quite literally sock thickness. Too thick, my feet sweat, too thin and my steel toe boots rub.”

“Comfortable socks when you spend all day on your feet is no small thing.” Jake looked over at where Cassie was sitting in a black T-shirt dress that skimmed her breasts and silver sandals. “And don’t sell yourself short. You look great today. Want me to come in with you?”

He added the last sentence to cover up for the fact he’d almost blurted how great her long legs looked in the dress, or how it hugged the curve of her ass. And, damn, now his dick was moving from vaguely interested to giving Cassie some serious attention . . . again.

“No. I’ve got it. Thanks for dropping me off. I’m guessing I’ll be back after visiting hours tonight.” Cassie opened the door to the truck.

“Do you have everything you need?”

“Yeah. I need to squeeze some work in if I can. I had to cancel a meeting at one of the sites I’m responsible for. I’ve got to figure out if I can somehow do it remotely.”

Jake pulled out his phone. “I’m sending you the code to the Wi-Fi at the house. Feel free to do whatever you’ve got to do there. Did you remember to pick up the spare house key I left you?”

“It’s in my purse. I’ll catch you later. Thanks for the ride.”

“I’ll message you when I’m leaving the distillery, and you can let me know if you need picking up. It’s no trouble to swing by.”

“Thanks, Jake. But honestly, you’ve done more than enough from me. Now I need to face Marianne and see if we can keep the peace to try and figure out what is best for Dad. Catch you later.”

She hopped out of his truck and walked toward the entrance. And like a lump, he sat there and watched her go. Sure, he could try and convince himself it was to make sure she got in there safely. But if that were true, he wouldn’t be focused on the way her hips swayed so seductively as she walked.

“Fuck me,” he muttered to himself and forced himself to turn out of the hospital.

Whatever he did today, he needed to try and finish up early, drive home and take Copyright 2016 - 2024