Love In Secrets (Love Distilled #3) - Scarlett Cole Page 0,100

she’d reassure him, or turn him on, or make him grin. All without words.

He’d had a plan.

They’d eat, at least the first two courses. Then, sometime around dessert, he’d do the whole tapping on glasses to get attention, even though there were only six of them, and he’d get down on one knee right next to her.

There was a speech he’d prepared and practiced. One that contained every important thought he had about the two of them.

But as she looked at him now, her eyes saying she was his and always would be, he couldn’t wait to reassure her he felt the same. So, without announcing it, without getting on one knee because he knew she’d appreciate meeting him as an equal, not with one of them on the floor, he came around the bar and stood in front of her.

“Cass. I lied to you.” They were the words she’d used when she showed up on his doorstep all those months ago. “Well, I lied to myself, really. I thought I could wait another hour or two to do this, but I can’t.”

“Jake. Can I get some more ice in this drink?” Em called out in his direction.

“No. Because I’m about to propose to Cassie and you’re interrupting.”

Liv gasped.

Cassie put her hand to her mouth.

“Where was I?” he asked Cassie, unable to control his grin.

“You thought you could wait to do this, but you can’t,” Cassie whispered.

“Yeah. That’s right. See, when I mentioned to Liv and Em I was thinking about doing this—”

“Stop with the buildup, Jake. Tell me the big reveal, then go back and tell me what led up to it.”

She’d remembered his words from that night, just as he’d remembered hers.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out her ring, one that sparkled like she did, and held it between his thumb and forefinger. “I love you, Cass. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And for that to happen, you have to agree to marry me.”

Cassie’s eyes were full of laughter. “Are you asking me or telling me?”

“I’d never tell you what to do, love. I know how much you hate it when men try to do that.”

“Good answer.”

“Speaking of good answers, a yes or no would be great right about now.”

“Go back to the beginning. Ask me.”

“Cassandra Katherine Cunningham. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She placed her hands on either side of his face, something that always made him feel so cherished.

“Yes, Jake. I’ll marry you.”

As he kissed her, cheers and hollers went off around them as the rest of his family celebrated for them.

“I love you,” he whispered against her lips.



Read on for a new series announcement starting in August.

I hope you loved reading Jake and Cassie’s story. I’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. It helps authors tremendously, and I’d be so grateful.

If you missed the first two books in the series, I hope you get the chance to read them.

Get Connor and Emerson’s enemies-to-lovers romance here: Love In Numbers

Get Anders and Liv’s opposites attract/one-night stand romance here: Love In Moments

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New Series Announcement

Coming August, 2021, a brand new rock star romance series, Excess All Areas.

I get asked all the time about writing more rockstars. So, meet Manchester band, Sad Fridays. Matt and Jase Palmer, their cousins, Ben and Alex King, and Matt’s best friend, Luke, are a band on the edge. The edge of breaking up. The edge of making it big. The edge of killing one another on stage. The edge of falling in love when they least expect it.

It’s raw, it’s real, it’s rock ’n’ roll.

ONE DAY LIKE THIS (Excess All Areas Book One)


Loving Izabel Bryson should be the easiest thing in the world.

Heck, she’s been the inspiration for at least half a dozen of the songs he’s written for his rock band, Sad Fridays.

He’s loved her for a decade.

But she’s his best friend and fellow-band mate’s little sister, and he promised a decade ago that he’d never put his hands on her.

She can never be his, no matter how much he craves her.


Loving Matt Palmer is the most hopeless thing in the world.

The hours she spends running her friend’s yoga studio and volunteering at the Manchester homeless shelter only go so far in distracting her from the painful truth.

He doesn’t want her.

Because she screwed up that awful night two years before when she slept with Matt’s brother.

He will never be hers, no matter how much she yearns for him.

When a good deed leads to one bed, and one night of ruthless honestly, everything is laid bare. They belong together, but acting on it will cost them everything.

Pre-order One Day Like This Now!


To the readers of this series. I’m so grateful that you chose to pick up this book out of so many great books that come out every week. I appreciate every review, share, and message! Thank you.

To the bloggers, reviewers, and influencers of the romance community. Thank you for showing up to support me. It takes a village to raise a book, and I couldn’t do it without you.

To Angela James, Isabel Ngo, and Nicole Bailey. Thank you for your brilliant minds and keen eyes in making sure this book was as perfect as can be. I appreciate your editorial talents beyond measure.

To Letitia Hasser, thank you so much for providing me with such a wonderful set of covers for this series. Your creativity has no bounds.

To Dani at Wildfire Marketing Solutions, thank you for your support and encouragement. I couldn’t do this without you.

To Lola and Finley. KISSES!

To Tim. For your unwavering belief in me.

About the Author

Scarlett Cole is a contemporary romance author that calls both Toronto, Canada and Manchester, England home. A born city dweller, she periodically quashes the urge to live in the country by hiking up a mountain to remind herself that living away from people would terrify the pants off her.

She believes everybody deserves their love story to be told and loves her heroes on the rough and rugged side…and usually tall (because she married one of those 6ft 6” men you read about in romance!). She’s an A-type personality and Scorpio star sign, so good luck getting her to do anything she doesn’t want to.

When she isn’t writing, she’s happy to talk about hot men and expensive shoes while drinking a cold gin and tonic. Don’t bring up olives. As far as Scarlett is concerned, they are the devil’s food. As long as you don’t bring up olives, she’s happy to hear from you any time.

Also by Scarlett Cole

Love Distilled Series

Love In Numbers

Love In Moments

Love In Secrets

Preload Series

Jordan Reclaimed

Elliott Redeemed

Nikan Rebuilt

Lennon Reborn

Second Circle Tattoos Series

The Strongest Steel

The Fractured Heart

The Purest Hook

The Darkest Link

The Greatest Risk (Novella)

Love Over Duty Series

Under Fire

Final Siege

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