Love Notes - By Heather Gunter Page 0,67

arrive, Tori leaves us to go meet up with the class. Shelby insists that we sit up front. “Oh boy,” is all I can think. I really don't feel like getting noticed and sitting up in the front is the perfect place for that to happen. It is as close and personal with the stage as you can possibly get. Finally the lights dim and the program begins. Tori had told me that they wouldn't be on, until the closer to the end and I honestly couldn't remember how many groups were in front of them. The longer I sit here, the more nervous I get about seeing Maverick. Program after program comes and goes. All of a sudden Tori comes out, but not onto the stage. Next thing I know Tori drops her butt down on the seat right smack next to me.

“Um, Tori. What are you doing?” I ask. What does she do? She doesn't respond, she just shushes me, the stinker. “Tori.” I say, which may have been a little louder than I intend, hearing people hushing me, from behind. She ignores me. Just sits there and pretends she doesn’t hear me. Finally, a hush goes through the auditorium. I'm getting restless and moving around a lot. Apparently I'm annoying the shit out of Tori, because she grabs my shaking leg without looking at me and stills it.

Then a spotlight shines directly on to the middle of the stage and I spot Maverick on crutches. Alone, on the stage. “Tori, what’s he doing?” Again she ignores me. Then the most beautiful music starts playing. I recognize the song immediately. It’s one of my very favorites. Microphone in hand Maverick limps, stands directly in front of me and starts to sing. I make every attempt to avoid making eye contact, but I can't.

It's impossible and he sounds…. really good. It’s such a soulful song, “You're all I've Ever Needed,” by Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed. It's beautiful he’s intently staring at me, singing these words it seems, to me. “I love you more than I knew, I could ever love someone.”

He slowly limps off the stage and heads in my direction, never taking his eyes off of me. He reaches me and tentatively reaches out for my hand, looking unsure as if I will allow that. I do, because I would do anything to hold his hand again. He securely takes it in his and almost reverently, leads me back to the stage.

I’m mesmerized. Like I’ve been put under a spell. I guess in a way I have. I follow, because I can't help it, as he continues to sing to me. He motions for me to sing the chorus with him. I do, because in this moment it feels like a dream that I don’t ever want to wake up from. This is not something that ever happens to someone like me. I’ve always been a nobody. Yet, I begin to realize that slowly, but surely, those feelings have been dwindling, for some time now.

For this moment, it can be perfect. I’m not going to worry about the past or the present. Just the here and now. So I sing the last chorus with him and our voices blend and mesh so well. It’s complete perfection. The last note lingers and we finish. He continues to stare at me as if I’m the most precious thing in the world to him.

He leans close and whispers in my ear, “Charlie, you are so beautiful.” He dips me just a little, as if we were dancing and gives me a sweet slight lingering kiss, that brings up feelings never forgotten, but reminds me of how much I've missed him.

When I come back up, the crowd is on their feet clapping. It’s insanity, the sound deafening. I can’t see a thing with the spotlight shining on us, but I can sure hear the football team, hootin and hollering. Above all, I can hear Will going nuts. I stand there with Maverick holding my hand. What seems like forever, he finally directs us off the stage and into the back.

Limping, he takes us into a back room off of the stage and turns on the light. Quietly, we walk in and shut the door. For just a moment we stand there, without speaking, with Maverick staring at me like he can’t believe I’m in the same room with him. Finally, he begins to speak. “I messed up. I pushed you away Copyright 2016 - 2024