Love Notes - By Heather Gunter Page 0,38

are you taking me?” I ask. The only answer I receive is a laugh and then a, “You’ll see.”

“You know I hate surprises, right?” He looks at me with concern, “Really?”

Then I realize I’ve never had a surprise before, or been surprised for that matter. “Actually, I’ve never had anyone surprise me with anything before, now that I think about it.”

He just looks at me, “Well then, we will need to rectify this, because you definitely deserve surprises.”

We sit in silence the rest of the way, not uncomfortable, far from it. I just think about him and about us and then my mind drifts to home. How different I am when I’m at home and from when I’m with Maverick. Like night and day.

“Okay, we’re here.” I glance around and notice that we’re at his favorite spot at the lake. Even better, I see a canopy set up with a lantern hanging from it. Sitting underneath, is a blanket and basket.

I turn and look at him, “When did you have the chance to do this?” He looks at me mischievously, “I’ve my ways, don’t you worry.”

He gets out and comes around to my door and opens it. He leads me to the blanket and we sit down.

“So you know Charlie, the choir program is around homecoming, right?”

Truth be told, I never gave it much thought. I vaguely remember it being discussed, but considering I haven’t ever been to a dance before or been invited to one, it doesn’t surprise me.

He nervously looks at me. “I would really, really love it, if you would go with me.”

A feeling of surprise, but then giddiness takes over. There’s no thinking on my part. I throw my arms around his neck and start kissing him, while he’s chuckling at me. In between laughing he asks, “Is that a yes?”

I spit out a yes and resume kissing him and his laughter dies away leaving him moaning into my mouth.

How do you tell someone that you love them, without words? You show them, right? At least that’s what my brain is telling me. My heart starts to hammer in to my chest. I want to show him how much he means to me and I’m nervous as hell.

I slowly pull back and look at him. His ocean blue eyes and his beautiful face and see only love for me, plainly written across his face. This guy that made me feel for the first time in my life, loves me.

“I love you.” I whisper.

I don’t give him a chance to respond back, because I resume kissing him. I start to unbutton his shirt just wanting to finally feel his chest and strong arms. I assume he’s going to stop me, but he doesn’t. He lets me, allowing me to take control.

One sleeve slides off and then the other. I pull back, wanting to see him. I start my appraisal from the chest, that’s ripped, to his strong muscular arms. Not a trace of cockiness is visible, only desire for me. Which is a feeling, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around.

He’s perfect. I place my hands on his chest and move them down feeling the ridges of his muscles and feel them ripple from my touch and bring them back up, feeling his muscled arms. I hear him sigh, like my touch is what he craves. I gently pull away and start to unbutton my shirt, having never done this before. I want to share this with him. “Charlie, you don’t have too.” I look up at him, “I know Mav, but I want to share this with you.”

He looks at me intently, watching my every move. I carefully pull my shirt from the bottom of the hem and up over my head. My eyes never leaving his, until the shirt is pulled completely off. The minute it’s gone, I feel exposed, but not in a bad way. Yes, I’m nervous and I can’t help but look down at the ground afraid that he will hate what he sees. “Charlie, look at me.” he says softly.

I came this far. I breathe out a heavy sigh and look up, directly into his eyes. There, I see no disgust, only pure heat. Heat for me.

“Charlie, you’re so beautiful, more than I ever imagined.”

If it’s at all possible, I love him even more.

He gingerly comes closer and starts to kiss me, ever so softly. He kisses me like I’m a precious thing and breakable. We slowly lay on the Copyright 2016 - 2024