Love Notes - By Heather Gunter Page 0,13

exactly how it feels.

“Tori, are you smoking crack or something?”

The bell rings and she cocks her head. It’s a mannerism that is so completely Tori, and nonchalantly says to me, “To be continued, once again. And no, Charlie, I do not smoke crack, I snort it.” I look at her like she is the crazy one and burst out laughing. “Gotcha!” she says as we part ways and head to class.

I head over to my history class thinking about what Tori said. I walk towards my now assigned seat and see that Maverick is already there. As I walk past Miranda and Ashley I hear a distinct pig noise. I feel my face grow increasingly warm which can only mean one thing. I’m completely embarrassed and it’s visible to everyone, all because those horrible girls are snorting and laughing at me. I don’t get it; I didn’t do anything to them. I look up and see Maverick looking at me with a startled look on his face. I don’t want anyone to feel pity for me, least of all him.

I don’t want anyone to pity me!

I sit down quietly and Maverick says, “Hey Charlie.” I can’t even speak and keep looking at my desk. Maverick continues to try to get my attention and finally whispers, “Are you okay?”

I turn my head sideways to look at him and say as casually as I can manage, “It’s not the first time something like that has happened, I’m sure it won’t be the last.”

“This has happened before?” I guess I give him a strange look, because he responds with a shocked expression on his face. Then to my astonishment, says, “You do realize those girls are just jealous.”

I glance at him and can see only sincerity in his eyes. I give him a little smile and say, “Thanks.”

He smiles in response, “Anytime.”

I can’t help but feel a little better. Of course, I can’t concentrate in class either. I peek at him out of the corner of my eyes a couple of times. I swear he catches me once or twice and smiles at me.

Lord that smile, I have never had my insides turn to Jell-O, by a simple smile before. Or not so simple smile, who knows?

I just know there is nothing simple about Maverick in any way, shape, or form. I’m not sure why he’s so nice to me, but I don’t care, and I like it. I’m scared of how I'm feeling and even more scared of getting hurt. But in this moment I don’t care at all, and that’s the scariest thing of all.

Maverick-Chapter 11

I have never in my life ever wanted to punch two girls the way I want to punch Miranda and Ashley. Ever!

I can not believe the way they treated Charlie. I felt her pain. I certainly can’t believe that this has ever happened to her before. What is wrong with people?

I managed to get a small smile from her even after what they did to her. A small smile, that did things to my already crazy growing feelings inside.

I caught her looking at me a couple of times through class. I know she thought she was being nonchalant, but I noticed. I wanted to let her know I noticed so I sure as hell made sure I smiled when she was caught. It kind of became a game.

Man that girl was smoking and she didn’t even know it. She had curves that kept going and a smile that lit up a room. But she was oblivious to it all.

When the bell rang, I made a point of walking beside her out the door. I could hear those two pains in my ass calling my name and I just ignored them and continue walking with Charlie. She looks up at me and gives me a grateful smile and says, “You don’t have to, you know.”

I stop walking and look at her, “If I didn’t want to, then I wouldn’t, and I really want to.” Man did I want to.

“What period do you have lunch?” I’d already decided there was no way I was going to miss the opportunity to spend more time with her.

She looks at me as if she’s surprised by my question. “I have third period. Why?”

“So do I, but I didn’t see you there yesterday. Where did you go?”

She looks at me like she is slightly embarrassed and says, “I ate in the library yesterday.” But then quickly adds, “I’m eating with Tori today.”

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