Love In The Mix (Love Series #3) - Lucy Darling Page 0,33

I cling to him. My nails dig more into his back. “Now,” he snaps in a tone I’ve never heard him use before. My body lights up as I come undone under him. This man really does own me. My body is under his control. Who am I kidding? I am under his control, too, and there is nowhere else in the whole world I’d rather be.

“Alyssa.” He groans my name as his warm release spills inside of me. I clench around him, my body still shaking from the orgasm. Not wanting to let go of him yet. He jerks over me. I feel more of him spill deep inside of me. I whimper, getting turned on all over again.

“I don’t want to stop,” I whisper into his ear.

“We’re never going to stop.” He nips my neck. His still hard cock inside of me starts to move again. “How’s your pussy?” he asks. I bite my lips, suddenly feeling shy. “Does it hurt?” He thrusts in and out. Suddenly he stops.

“Sean.” My voice comes out in a pout. I don’t mean it to.

“Tell me how your pussy feels.” He demands an answer.

“It hurts.” His face grows serious. He starts to pull from me but I wrap myself tightly around him. He’s not going anywhere.

“Not the way you’re thinking. It hurts for more. I can’t explain it. This ache.” I think I’ve wanted him for so long that now my body wants to make up for lost time. I’m starved for him.

“I won’t stop until I make the ache go away. I promise.” He starts to thrust again. I lick my lips, taking the pleasure he gives me. Taking away the ache that I know only he can cure.



“You always taste so damn sweet.” I kiss my woman, picking her up and sitting her on the counter in the back of the bakery.

“That’s because I eat my own products.”

I kiss her again. She’s wrong. Some of the sweetness might be from her cooking but I know a lot of it is all her. I think she puts a little of it in her cooking, too. Shit makes me jealous sometimes but I’ll learn to deal with it. This is her and Neily’s dream and I’d never come in the path of that. I only want to be a part of it.

“I gotta finish these cupcakes. There is nothing angrier than a mom thinking her little one isn't getting the perfect birthday cake.” She smiles up at me, not looking the least bit scared. Likely because she knows they’ll love whatever she creates. My girl is confident in her work and that shit is sexy as fuck.

“I’m going to pop next door. I guess I need to do some work, too.” I know Noah has been handling things, but I need to show my face. The man is really worth his weight in gold. I am going to have to give him a raise because there is going to be a lot less of me there now that I have Alyssa. I know that I can slip into my office when Alyssa is at work.

That would be convenient since it’s down the block. I’m guessing she wouldn't love the idea of me taking over her office. I guess I can give her a little breathing room. Not because I want to but because I have to.

“I’ll be done in a couple of hours.” She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss her again. Damn it feels good to have her not running from me anymore. “Then we gotta go see my mom before she kills us both.”

“I think we’ll be okay.” I cup her face, kissing the tip of her nose. “I promise you it will all be fine.”

“They’re crazy,” she says for the tenth time now. I know she’s not only talking about her own mom but Neily’s, too. They can’t be that crazy if they raised Alyssa. She is perfection. Neily, I’m not too sure what that girl is but she’s loyal and loves Alyssa like a sister. I understand the bond, having a brother.

“And I’m crazy about you. I’m sure we’ll all get along perfectly. We all love you and that’s all that matters.” I give her one last kiss before I make myself leave. I was going to end up taking her into her office and then I would find out what an angry parent looked like when their kid didn't get the perfect Copyright 2016 - 2024