Love Me Again - Aiden Bates Page 0,76

wasn’t going to let him intimidate me now. “You know, I actually feel sorry for both of you, living your lives for the benefit of anyone who happens to be watching, courting approval from anyone you deem worthy, and counting your money because you’re closer to it than you are to your sons. Well, money won’t keep you warm at night, and it won’t remember you after you’re gone. I already make enough money, and—trust me—it isn’t money that makes me happy. I choose love. I choose Leo.”



I couldn’t draw breath. My heart grew so big it blocked my lungs and felt like it was going to explode in my chest. Shayne was a worryingly late bloomer, but he’d finally and publicly chosen me. Grand declarations didn’t get much bigger.

I glanced again at the albums Shayne’s dad had drawn possessively close. It was all theater, designed to hurt Shayne as much as possible and force him to whatever it was his dad was so desperate for him to do.

Those albums had gotten Shayne through a lot of tough times as a kid and looking through them had always brought him incredible joy. That his dad would now dangle them like a carrot and beat him with them like a stick filled me with a low-level rage.

And everything fell into place. Whatever his dad was doing was what had unbalanced Shayne before. And while it didn’t excuse his behavior, I understood it, and I understood all the reasons why Shayne’s stand now meant it wouldn’t happen again.

His parents had been trying to drive a wedge between us, and they’d nearly succeeded.

I glanced at Shayne, taking in the turmoil in his gaze. Having his dad threaten something he’d valued his entire life must have really hurt him.

“Are you okay?” I whispered.

He didn’t look at me, but he gave my fingers a quick squeeze. It wasn’t even close to an answer, but I was glad he wanted me there.

Shayne’s dad scoffed like he was bored. “Pamela, I’m feeling a little cold.” He looked at Shayne. “It’s the chemo, you know. There are a lot of side effects from having cancer.”

“Would you like another blanket?” Shayne’s mother stepped forward.

“No, I don’t think I need a blanket. Could you please switch the fire on instead?”

I blinked. Surely he didn’t mean he’d actually burn something that meant so much to Shayne?

“Shayne.” I nudged his arm. “Don’t let him do this to you.”

I didn’t even know what Shayne could do or what I should do to help. I didn’t want to lose him, but neither could I stand by and let his dad so callously destroy something this sentimental and important to Shayne.

I wanted to groan in frustration. I hated feeling helpless, and I so rarely did these days. Standing with Shayne in front of his dad made me see that Shayne had been bullied all along.

Shayne trembled next to me, and I drew him closer, hoping the extra support might help. I’d do anything to make this easier.

Shayne shrugged. “Do what you must. I still choose Leo.” His voice was strong in spite of his shaking, and pride surged through me at how he was able to face his dad down.

“Very well. In case you missed it before, you’ve turned out to be quite the disappointment.” Shayne’s dad shook his head. “So just remember, this was your decision.” He leaned forward and threw the book toward the fire, but Shayne’s mom flung her arms out and caught it against her chest.

Shayne’s dad’s mouth dropped open. “Pamela! What do you think you’re doing?”

But she shook her head almost like she didn’t know herself. Then she looked at the book in her arms, glanced at Shayne, then focused back on his dad. “I think you’ve made your point, Kirk.”

For a moment, hope flickered that there was one cell of a decent person inside her, but then she straightened and smoothed her hand over the cover.

“Besides, only a fool would destroy the pictures inside here when they hold monetary value.”

I looked up at Shayne and he rolled his eyes before looking away from his mom. Apparently neither Abbott parent knew anything about love or kindness.

Only money talked.

Finally. Something I could do.

I cleared my throat. “How much do you want for the albums?”

Shayne moved in my peripheral vision, and when I looked his way, he was watching me, his eyes wide. He shook his head, like some sort of warning, but I ignored him.

I finally knew what to do.

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