Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,101

as she has someone with her. I think she’s got some antisocial behaviours if she’s left on her own for any length of time.’

‘Bertie won’t leave her much at all,’ Jack answers. ‘I can imagine he’ll take her everywhere.’

‘Yes and there’s a difference between him needing to pop out to the shop for a second and going to work for hours. She’ll soon get used to the idea he’s coming back soon if he just leaves her for a short amount of time.’

‘When are you taking her to Bertie?’

‘Next weekend. Jan is working most of this week and wants to be there to say goodbye.’

‘I can understand that. It must be heartbreaking.’

‘She’s totally devastated as she loves Tilly, but she knows it’s the right thing. I felt terrible because she started crying today but all I could do was reassure her that she’s going to a wonderful home and Bertie will send her updates.’

‘He will. He’s a good bloke. I wish I could meet Tilly. I’d love a dog. Mum and Dad always wanted one but couldn’t since Sam and I were born, because they were too busy working.’

‘I know, same with us. One day it would be great to have one.’

‘What breed would you choose?’ Jack asks me.

‘I don’t know, I’m not too fussed. I love Benson but Tilly is gorgeous too. I think I’d rescue definitely. How about you?’

‘I love big dogs, who you can have a good old walk and game of ball with, but I like all dogs.’ Jack sighs. ‘Right now, the thought of a walk is the most exciting thing ever.’ I can imagine. He’s been in for over six weeks now.

‘I wish you could come with me. I took Benson to meet Greg’s college kids yesterday.’

‘How did it go? I bet they loved it.’

‘It was incredible,’ I tell him. ‘Benson is usually the biggest loon ever, jumping and bounding all over the place. I have a job to keep hold of him on a walk usually. But with these kids, he seemed to be on his best behaviour. He went up to Lally, the student Greg was telling us about. She’s been stuck in lockdown away from her parents for more than six weeks now and he just wagged his tail, gave her one of his ridiculously huge paws and leaned against her with his head on her knee.’

‘I think dogs sense, don’t they, whether someone’s scared or lonely?’ Jack observes.

‘Yes, having seen this, I truly believe they do. Lally would hardly come out of the residential college at first. She just shrank back into the doorway when I approached, but once I let Benson off such a short lead, she squatted down with him and started telling me how she has a dog at home, who she really misses. She was chatting away.’

‘Animals are a good leveller, aren’t they? They don’t care if you’re different for whatever reason; they like you anyway.’

‘Shame people aren’t a bit more like that.’

‘Maybe some of them are,’ says Jack.

Chapter 34


For the first time in ages, I hear the rattle of the front letterbox and I wander blearily towards it, armed with the obligatory disposable gloves, whilst tripping over my dressing gown belt. I must get myself a new one; this old thing got trapped in the door near the beginning of lockdown and has disintegrated and unravelled into nothing more than a long threaded piece of string.

There are a couple of bits of post; one uninspiring-looking envelope, obviously from the bank – it has that kind of bleak, formal look about it. The other one I pick up immediately as it has printed at the top right: Chiropractic College. I stare at it, willing it to have good news inside. Or it could just be some course information, nothing more.

The call had gone well the other day – I think it had, anyway. It’s always so hard to judge with interviews. I had somehow managed to get myself into a shirt and tie – I was worried the shirt wouldn’t fit after the combination of my sedentary lockdown lifestyle and the delicious treats Sophia sends up. It was a little snug, but the tie covered the straining buttons I think. I have now started to do Joe Wicks’ YouTube workout every day in a desperate attempt to keep myself vaguely fit. That and a strange kickboxing video I found, which is kind of weird but works and is great for stress relief.

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