Love at the Little Wedding Shop by the Sea - Jane Linfoot Page 0,53

me how Pixie-face does flick flacks and tumbles in her sleep, and how she’s actually on the Olympic gymnastics team for the floor routine. And I’m actually ready to feel so sick in anticipation of it that I’ll be reaching for one of my dedicated purple sacks. But he doesn’t.

Instead he gives a wistful smile. ‘She’s certainly been great for freeing Nige from his mother’s snares. If anyone had told us he’d ever dance like that, neither of us would have believed them.’

And then as the track ends, Nigel slides Cally backwards down onto the floor. Then he pulls her up again and into his arms and kisses her, and the room goes wild. People are stamping and clapping and whooping, and there are shouts of ‘Encore, encore’.

But Cally comes across the floor, and still leading Nigel by the finger she takes the mic. She’s a little breathless as she speaks and she’s smiling straight at me. ‘Thanks for making our day with that, Milla, and thank you all for coming. Now, it’s over to all of you – get on the dance floor and show us your moves!’

Nic’s staring down at me, his head tilted as he listens for the notes coming through the speakers. ‘What’s next then – The Pet Shop Boys?’

I’m surprised he remembered. ‘Unless she’s got it on shuffle, it should be Is this the Way to Amarillo?.’

Nic pulls a face. ‘Can’t we ask for something better for our dance?’

‘Like what?’ I had no idea he’d be so picky or have an opinion when he usually doesn’t.

‘Roxy Music, Jealous Guy would work, or Bon Jovi, Always …’

The guy certainly knows his way around power ballads. Due to how out of control my dragonflies are today, both of those would be worst-nightmare tracks for me. ‘Or Tiger Feet perhaps?’ It’s the slowest I can handle.

Nic’s shaking his head. ‘Not suitable at all.’

As Amarillo begins, I’m watching all Nigel’s parents’ friends flooding into the space, and jiving around. But at the side by one of the open doors to the terrace, I’m also watching Cally leaning against Nigel.

Nic’s prompting me. ‘Come on, you’ll have to do better than that.’

I’m biting my lip. ‘How do you think Cally looks?’

He gives a shrug. ‘The same as she always does … with a bit more lace.’

I’m already two steps away. ‘Give me a moment. She’s not usually that white.’ That particular shade of ghostly green means we’ve got five seconds, tops. As I hurl myself towards her, I’m diving in my bag. ‘Everything okay, Cally?’

She’s already clasping her hand to her mouth.

‘Let’s get some fresh air.’ Arguing over dance tracks when I should have been on Cally’s case … what the hell was I thinking? As I propel her out onto the terrace, I’m fumbling to open up a nappy sack. ‘Here, take this …’

But I’m too slow. Even as I shove the open plastic bag at her she jack knifes in the middle, heaves, and the stream of dark chocolate vomit completely misses the bag and lands in a trail right down the front of her wedding dress.

‘Oh crap.’ This fail is all down to me. If my reactions hadn’t been dulled by the champers, if I hadn’t let my attention slip off Cally and onto Nic, I’d have been on it. My job for the day was to be ready for disasters and avert them, not pick up the pieces.

Cally groans. ‘Look at me, Milla! What the hell am I going to do?’

I’m thinking the same, but I can’t say that. Instead, I call back to Holly who has followed us as far as the doorway. ‘Tell Nigel we’re off for a quick toilet stop.’ I turn to Cally. ‘If we whip you round the outside and straight upstairs, no one will be any the wiser.’

She blows out a breath. ‘I shouldn’t have made Nigel tip me upside down. He knew we were pushing it.’

After eleven chocolate puddings most people would have barfed without being tipped upside down, but I can’t say that. ‘Don’t worry, Cally, it’s only a bit of sick. I’m your bridesmaid for the day, I’ve got this.’

I’ve got no idea what I’m going to do. But someone has to sort it, and this one’s down to me.

Chapter 15

Later still that Saturday.

The Waterfront Marina Hotel.

Salvage teams and rescue remedy.

‘So brides change dresses?’

This is Nic and I’m looking over his shoulder from the bar where we’re sitting with Cally and Nigel, watching the dancing guests across the Copyright 2016 - 2024