Love on Lexington Avenue - Lauren Layne Page 0,53

while. Wouldn’t be surprised if these little shits are everywhere, but I’ll have to take a look.”

“What are my options?” Scott asked.

“You’ve got two. You said the owner’s been living here while you work?”

Scott nodded.

“I could use the gentle, save-the-environment stuff, and she wouldn’t have to leave. That’d probably take care of it.”


George shrugged and pulled a pack of Nicorette gum out of his back pocket, popping a piece in his mouth. “If I’ve got choices, I’d rather do it right with the industrial-strength stuff, get them all the first time. But she’d have to get out of here for a day or two. Pets, too,” he said, bending to give Bob a scratch behind the ears. Scott’s dog had managed to leave his usual spot by Claire’s side to greet her old friend George.

“I’ll talk to her,” Scott said, walking George to the door, even as Bob bounded upstairs to find Claire. “But for now, let’s count on option two. I’ve got to get her out of here anyway while I redo the hardwood floors.”

“Two birds,” George agreed, stepping onto the porch. “Call me. I’ve got a cancellation for today and tomorrow. Next week’s pretty booked up though.”

Closing the door behind the exterminator, Scott glanced up the stairs, surprised he was a little hesitant to seek out Claire. He hadn’t seen much of her since their terse, strange conversation on Thursday evening. She’d spent most of Friday upstairs in her bedroom as he’d started tearing up the downstairs living room. Scott had hated that he’d carefully listened for the sound of the front door in those early morning hours, waiting for Brett to do his walk of shame.

But when Claire had finally come downstairs for coffee on Friday morning, she’d been alone and friendly, if a little unreadable. He had no idea how her night had ended up. He hadn’t gotten a good read on how her date had gone. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, and yet it continued to eat at him. So much so, that instead of spending his weekend off hanging around the city as he’d planned, he’d headed up to his mountain place for a long holiday weekend. He’d needed some fresh air and a chance to clear his head. He figured Claire could use some space as well. But as much as he’d enjoyed the spontaneous fishing trip and letting Bob chase Poconos squirrels, Scott was a little surprised how right it felt to be back in the city.

To be here, in this house, specifically. He couldn’t ever remember getting so attached to a project. Bob felt it, too. His dog had lost her poor head in excitement when Scott’s truck had pulled up outside Claire’s house this morning after three days away.

Scott jogged up the stairs, finding her bedroom door open just a crack. He knocked lightly with a knuckle. “Claire? You decent?”

His body half hoped she wasn’t. His brain reminded him that the line in the sand had been drawn, and he’d ended up on the hands-to-himself side.

“Come in.”

He pushed open the door. Claire was sitting cross-legged on the bed, laptop open, though she seemed more absorbed with rubbing Bob’s belly than whatever she was working on.

She smiled when she saw Scott, a little tentative, but genuine, and he felt his tension ease away, grateful they could get back to the way they’d been pre-gala.

“So, you want the bad news or the good news?” Scott asked.


He winced. “You weren’t supposed to say that. I hadn’t come up with any good news yet.”

“So come up with some.” She made kissing noises at Bob.

He considered, came up with a positive. “I’ve outdone myself on this project; we’re coming along at record speeds.”

“Does that mean I get my kitchen back?”

“Not yet. But the rest of your downstairs will be easy going, just floors and paint and ripping out those ugly built-in bookshelves.”

“Well, that’s good. Okay, I’m ready for the bad news.”

“You’ve got termites.”

Like plenty of females he knew—and most males, for that matter—the mention of any kind of bugs had her face scrunching up in horror. “Eeew! Where?”

She immediately started rubbing her calves as though they were crawling on her.

“They’re in the living room.” They were probably everywhere, but he didn’t tell her that part.

“So, what’s that mean?”

“You’ll need to clear out for a couple of days. My bug guy’s already been here. He can work around you if he has to, but it’d mean he’d likely have to come back a couple Copyright 2016 - 2024