For the Love of Ivy - Cindy Kirk Page 0,8

brightly colored sugar ones and carefully placed them on the Christmas plate.

“He gets milk, too.” Seth positioned the plate next to the glass on the table.

“We put out extra for the reindeer,” Ivy added.

“Yep.” Seth nodded, his lips quirking upward. “They have a lot of flying to do. They need to keep their energy up.”

Lauren’s smile froze on her face.

“Time for bed, kiddo.” Seth scooped Ivy into his arms. Though the plastic cast had a rocker ball so she could walk without putting pressure on the fractured leg, Seth had told Lauren that the doctor preferred Ivy keep her weight off it for at least the next couple of days. ‘Tell Miss Lauren good-night.”

Seth stepped closer and the exuberant seven-year- old surprised Lauren by flinging an arm around her neck and planting a big kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for coming and eating and playing Trouble with me.”

Lauren gently smoothed a strand of hair back from the child’s brow. With her blond curls tousled around her face, Ivy looked like a little angel. “Merry Christmas, Ivy.”

“Merry Christmas to you, too,” Ivy called to Lauren as her father carried her from the room.

Since her injury, the child had been sleeping in the master bedroom on the main floor, while Seth had moved to the guest room. When he’d shown Lauren the bedrooms, he’d made it clear that if she did agree to move in, the guest room would be hers and he’d sleep in Ivy’s canopy bed.

The thought of the rugged cowboy in the tiny twin bed with its frilly pink-and-white bedspread brought a smile to Lauren’s lips. As if her musings had conjured him up, Lauren heard the click of cowboy boots on hardwood. She turned to find Seth in the doorway, a satisfied smile on his face. “Surely she’s not already asleep?”

“She’s pretending to be.” Seth’s grin had her breath catching in her throat. “She wants Santa to show up and knows he won’t come until she’s asleep.”

The comment pulled her attention from his mouth. Though she told herself it didn’t matter if his daughter believed in mythological figures and he indulged such thinking, the strange tension gripping her said somehow it did matter.

“Isn’t Ivy a little old to believe in Santa?” While it may have been a question, her tone made her feelings on the matter quite clear. Yet Lauren didn’t stop there. She gestured to the plate of treats and the glass of milk. “Practices such as these just fuel the illusion.”

The words hung in the air for a long moment. Lauren thought about calling them back. Though she’d meant what she’d said, she could have been more diplomatic.

To her surprise Seth didn’t seem to take offense. In fact, by the twitch of his lips, you’d have thought she’d said something amusing. He reached over and grabbed two cookies from the plate, handing one to her and keeping the other for himself. “These practices are about embracing the magic of the season.”

An illogical argument if she’d ever heard one, but charmingly delivered. Lauren took a bite of cookie and chewed for a moment “Ivy’s a smart little girl. She can’t really believe in elves and reindeer and Santa Claus.”

“She seems to,” Seth admitted, without a hint of embarrassment. “As long as she does, I’m going to be supportive.”

“Supportive? Of a lie?” Lauren wasn’t sure what had gotten into her. Her training had taught her the importance of every word uttered. These outbursts weren’t like her. But something about the whole Santa lie felt... personal.

Seth’s brows pulled together and for a second he looked as if he might argue the point. Instead he shut his mouth and studied her for a long moment. “You never got to believe in Santa.”

Instead of comforting her as perhaps he’d intended, the observation stirred up a hornet’s nest of memories. Restless, she moved to the front window and, for several seconds, gazed out at the thick blanket of snow.

“My parents called him a bogus, fantasy figure.” Lauren whirled back to face him. “A myth that contributed to the commercialization of Christmas.”

“Did you ever go to a store and sit on his knee?” Seth asked, ignoring the outburst. “Whisper in his ear what you really wanted for Christmas?”

“Since he wasn’t real, what would have been the point? Besides, it wouldn’t have mattered.” Lauren sighed. “My parents didn’t believe in giving gifts for Christmas. Still don’t.”

“Not at all?”

Lauren shook her head. ‘To them Christmas is simply another federal holiday.”

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