For the Love of Ivy - Cindy Kirk Page 0,34

he’d first arrived, she’d been so happy to see him that she thought he looked wonderful. Now she realized Ivy had been right.

His dark blond hair was a dusty gray. They must have washed his face at the medical center because it was clean, but his neck still held a coat of grime, as did his clothes.

She’d barely entered the room when he began coughing again. By the time the jag ended, what little color he’d gained had left his face.

“I’m putting the shampoo in the shower where it’ll be easy to reach.” Lauren tried not to let her apprehension show. Was he really strong enough to shower by himself? “I’ll make sure the sprayer is right next to the chair and the water isn’t too hot.”

“Thanks, Lauren.” Seth offered her a wan smile. “Forget what I said earlier. I’m not sure I could do this without you.”

Instead of finding the comment reassuring, Lauren’s fears escalated. He must be feeling pretty bad to admit he needed assistance.

“We need to get you undressed.” Lauren placed her hands on her hips. “Can you get those jeans off yourself or do you want my help?”

Chapter Ten

Seth wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. After all, hadn’t he made it clear in the kitchen that he’d be showering alone? Still, an enticing image of the two of them, naked beneath a stream of water, flashed before him. For a second, he was tempted to reconsider.

“You’re not coming in with me.” He spoke quickly before he could weaken.

“Oh, darn. That would have been so much fun.” Lauren spoke flippantly, snapping her fingers. “Especially with you at the top of your game.”

He wasn’t sure how debilitated she thought he was, but the part of him straining against the zipper of his jeans wasn’t showing any sign of weakness.

“Just to clarify, I’m not planning on stripping you down naked,” Lauren continued, her tone now matter-of-fact. “I’ll help you with your boots, pants and shirt. Beyond that, cowboy, you’re on your own.”

Seth considered his options. Though he tried hard to hide it, he hadn’t felt this exhausted since Ivy’s baby days. While he wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed, he knew he’d sleep better if he got the grime off his skin. He wasn’t sure why he was making such a big deal out of nothing. Having Lauren see him in his underwear was really no different than her seeing him at the pool.

By the time she’d pulled off his boots and peeled off his socks, by the time she’d slipped his shirt over his head, by the time he’d unbuckled his belt and kicked off his jeans, he realized that undressing before an attractive woman in a bedroom was very different from being at a crowded community pool with swim trunks on.

The situation was awkward to say the least. The last time he’d worn so few clothes had been in front of his wife, and that had been a long time ago.

When it came to lovemaking, Jan had never been very adventurous. She’d preferred the lights off. Even as close as they’d been, he couldn’t recall her ever staring at his body in open admiration, as Lauren was doing right now. But concern quickly replaced admiration.

Her brows furrowed. “Those are a couple of mean-looking scratches.”

Unexpectedly she leaned forward. When her fingers touched his skin, he jumped.

“I’m sorry.” Lauren immediately straightened; her expression contrite. “I should have realized they’d be tender.”

Seth didn’t bother to tell her that the scrapes weren’t the problem. When her fingers slid gently across his abdomen, arrows of heat had shot straight to his groin. Now his body threatened to betray him. To stop from embarrassing them both, Seth grabbed the towel and held it in front of him.

“I’ll put some antiseptic on them once you get out of the shower,” Lauren informed him.

“We’ll see.”

“Yes, we will see.” Lauren’s chin lifted in a determined tilt. “I’ll be right outside. Call if you need anything.”

Once the door clicked shut, he removed the last of his clothing and stepped into the shower. Even if the cuts were bleeding profusely, Lauren wasn’t coming anywhere near his bare skin.

Not because he didn’t trust her.

Because he didn’t trust himself.

Chapter Eleven

Lauren cast one final look in her bedroom mirror. It was hard to believe the year was coming to a close. Last New Year’s Eve she’d been partying with her friends at a Denver club. This year she and Seth would be attending a get-together at the Sweet River community Copyright 2016 - 2024