For the Love of Ivy - Cindy Kirk Page 0,23

gaze turned curious.

“Anna told me you promised Jan you wouldn’t marry until Ivy is out of high school.”

“It’s a promise I intend to keep.”

“Physically it has to be hard,” Lauren chose her words carefully. “Especially when you have options.”

“I won’t lead a woman on just so I can sleep with her.” A muscle in his jaw jumped. “That’s not me.”

“I realize you’re not that kind of man,” Lauren agreed. “There’s another alternative.”

Seth raised a brow.

“Find a woman who can be content with no-strings- attached sex.”

“Someone like you?” he asked in a low voice, the dim light blanketing his face in shadows.

She couldn’t see his eyes, but the electricity was back, stronger than ever, sizzling and popping.

“Yes.” Lauren took a breath and plunged ahead. “Someone like me.”

Chapter Seven

Seth thanked God he was sitting because otherwise the wave of longing that washed over him would have knocked him off his feet. Having such a lovely woman offer to have no-strings-attached sex was a beautiful dream. And his worst nightmare. Because no matter how much—physically—he wanted to say yes, what she was suggesting was not an option.

“I’m flattered.” Seth gentled his tone and chose his next words carefully. “You’re a beautiful woman, both inside and out. There’s this chemistry between us that I can’t explain, but...”

“But?” The smile on Lauren’s lips froze.

“I can’t do it.”

“I don’t understand the problem.” Even as she pressed the issue, her voice turned cool, almost detached. The expression on her face gave nothing away.

“The problem is me.” Seth placed his glass on the end table but kept his hands at his sides, resisting the urge to touch her. “I’m a father, a role model for my daughter. I want her to grow up believing that making love is something special that happens between a man and a woman who love each other, who’ve made a commitment to each other.”

“I wasn’t suggesting that Ivy be informed we were having sex,” Lauren said stiffly.

“I know you weren’t.” Seth expelled a breath. “But kids seem to have an uncanny way of finding out things. Even if she didn’t, I would know I wasn’t practicing what I’ll soon be preaching to her.”

Lauren lifted the wineglass to her lips and took a big gulp. “You’re right.” She waved a dismissive hand. “Forget I mentioned it.”

Damn it all to hell. He’d hurt her. Just what he’d sworn not to do.

“Thank you for the offer, though.” Impulsively Seth reached over and took her hand. Despite the proximity to the fire, her fingers were ice cold.

He thought she might pull away, but once again she surprised him. For a long moment he sat there with his fingers entwined with hers in silent companionship. Seth wanted to tell her this was what he’d really missed. He missed sitting in front of the fire and talking about his day. He missed hearing about someone else’s day. He missed the closeness.

If he was being completely honest, he’d admit he missed the sex, as well. He was a man, after all. There was nothing like being pleasured and bringing pleasure to someone you loved. It was the desire for such intimacy that made him drop her hand.

Despite knowing and believing that everything he’d said to her was one hundred percent true, at the moment he wasn’t feeling particularly strong. The stirrings in his body told him he needed to back off and put some distance between them.

He stood. “I should call it a night.”

“Yes, let’s both call it a night.” Lauren jumped to her feet. “Morning will be here before we know it.”

She started toward the stairs, then stopped and turned, a swath of the most becoming shade of pink emerging across her cheeks. “I want you to know that this was the most wonderful Christmas I’ve ever had.”

“For me, too,” he said softly as she started up the stairs. “For me, too.”

If she heard him, she gave no sign. Instead she continued to climb the stairs with methodical precision as she headed to her room alone.

Watching her go, he figured he deserved a medal...for either being a responsible parent or the biggest fool on the planet.

Lauren stared at the overnight bag. When she’d unpacked it yesterday, she’d been filled with excitement. The holidays had been something to look forward to with anticipation rather than dread.

She zipped the bag shut and sat on the bed next to it. Sunlight streamed through the window but the warmth brought no comfort.

Regret oozed from every pore in her body. In the clear light Copyright 2016 - 2024