Love Him Free (On the Market #1) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,71

at night. A warm body to fill their bed. But nothing else.

Certainly not love. At least, not real love.

He was shaken, but maybe it wasn’t from pain. Maybe it was from the realization that he’d been holding himself back from something like this—something so good, and so fulfilling, he was ready to give up anything if Simon asked him to.

Then there was the calming, warm, quiet knowing that Simon would never ask him to give up anything. And that alone told him it was right.

Chapter Sixteen

Simon had sent Kyle off, flipped the open sign to closed, then propped open the side door before he got to the sufganiyot dough. It felt…different, and a little wrong, but sort of decadent to veer from Bubbe’s recipes. He had a list of fillings scribbled out to his right, and he’d finished all of them except the Belgian ale which—with any luck—was on its way along with his boyfriend.

Or…lover. Whatever they were.

Simon didn’t really want to think about things with Rocco beyond the present moment. He was wrung out and exhausted from his long cry with his brother. Levi had pulled every bit of Simon’s energy from him—in the best way. It was cathartic to finally be unburdened and to know that Levi didn’t hate him.

But Levi knowing changed nothing. It meant that Levi had more time to prep, to go through the apartment and take the things he wanted, and the things he needed. He’d be around to help Simon strip the place down to bare bones when it was time.

That was months away, but it felt like he could blink, and it would all be over.

More than anything, he wanted to finish up this night and get back to Rocco’s. He wanted to lose all sense of self, all sense of awareness except the places where Rocco dragged pleasure from him. He just wanted to not think.

Simon startled when the door opened, and he looked up at Rocco and his hands froze where they were kneading the dough. Rocco looked shaken. His face was a little pallid, his eyes half-lidded, mouth in a deeper frown than usual.

His gaze locked on Simon, then he set the beer down hard and crossed the room, sweeping Simon into his arms—floured apron and all.

“Hey,” Simon soothed, pulling back.

Rocco’s palm cupped Simon’s cheek, and his thumb trailed a path under Simon’s left eye. ‘Crying?’

Simon let out a small sigh and he knew there was no point in lying. ‘Yes. This morning. Levi was here.’

Rocco scowled. ‘He hurt you?’

Simon took a step back and tried for a smile he hoped was soothing. ‘No. I told him the truth about my grandmother leaving me the bakery, and about it going under. I told him I was selling the building and the apartment.’

‘He was angry?’

Simon shook his head. ‘Sad. He was frustrated that I didn’t tell him before. We don’t communicate well.’

Rocco snorted in amusement and he gathered Simon close again, kissing him—though it lacked the passion of the last few days. When he pulled back, he didn’t step far, just enough so he could drop his head down to rest against Simon’s.

They stayed that way for what felt like forever, then Rocco stepped back and let Simon get to the dough. ‘How can I help?’

Simon raised a brow at him. ‘You can tell me what’s wrong.’

Rocco looked a little put-out then glanced back at the door he’d shut when he’d come in. ‘Personal stuff.’ Simon winced, and Rocco looked immediately apologetic. ‘My ex is getting married.’

Simon’s eyes went wide and he pushed the dough aside to let it rest for a minute. ‘Eric?’

Rocco’s eyes darkened. ‘Yes. To Xander.’

‘Your agent?’ Simon clarified.

‘E X agent,’ Rocco spelled, his fingers sharp. He pulled out his phone and opened his Twitter app. It was already loaded to Eric’s Twitter. Simon had followed it once. Eric was a funny guy—witty and sharp. Rocco had more followers, but Eric had enough for a verification check, and he was always responsive.

Simon had been jealous, but he’d also liked the guy—before he knew what he was capable of doing to someone Simon cared about.

@DaddicusRex: sometimes when life closes one door, three more open. Can’t wait to make @XanderBlessingame an honest man, though neither of us are innocent enough for that. I wish I could invite you all to the wedding, but you’ll be there in spirit.

Simon read it, then re-read it, then looked up at Rocco and searched his face. He was angry—that much was obvious, and Copyright 2016 - 2024