Love Him Free (On the Market #1) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,69

lip, then with shaking hands and signed English said, ‘How are you?’

Rocco snorted and repeated the signs in ASL. “I’m fine,” he added, and signed along with his voice. “Just need some water for the dogs.”

Levi smiled a little, then said something Rocco missed entirely, but it caused James to blanch and Charlie to throw his head back in laughter. When Levi saw the look of confusion on Rocco’s face, he pointed at the dog and spelled in slow, painstaking letters, ‘Pocket James.’

Rocco blinked, then laughed and shook his head while human James continued to look on, horrified. Levi took the lead though, and came out of the truck and around with two bowls of water for Pumpkin and James, and set them up in the shade.

His eyes were on Rocco the entire time. Rocco saw all the similarities and all the differences between the brothers. Levi was classically good looking—sharper cheekbones, well dressed, his hair just as curly but left wild and long. His eyes were a richer brown than Simon’s who were more like honey, and his lips were held in a half-sneer when at rest which Rocco knew many people enjoyed. His own was much the same.

But he lacked the subtlety that Rocco had become obsessed with in Simon. The curved jawline and the soft belly and the sprinkle of freckles. Rocco knew he’d probably grow to be friends with Levi, if Simon wanted to keep him, and he also knew he’d never regret his choice to pursue Simon—even if it started on a whim.

Rocco was vaguely aware that there was a conversation going on around him, but before he could try to participate, his phone buzzed. His heart leapt a little in his chest when he saw his lover’s name on the screen.

Simon: I hate to ask, but I need a favor. There’s a bar near Central Ave called the Cherry Creek Tavern, and I need a six pack of OU Blue Moon. I already called Rose and she said she has it ready for me. No worries if you’re too busy.

Rocco: nvr 2 busy. OU?

Simon: means Kosher. It’ll have an O with a U in the center of it. Just double check for me and if you don’t mind, could you bring it here?

Rocco: drunk on job. Lol. B there soon.

He set his phone down and waved his hand at the brothers until they looked at him. “Cherry Creek Tavern?”

Levi looked surprised. “Um.”

“Simon needs beer,” Rocco clarified, though he didn’t ask for what, and Levi didn’t seem like he was going to ask.

After a beat, James tapped him and pointed at Rocco, then at himself, then down the street. Rocco wondered for a moment if he would ever learn enough ASL to converse like two grown adults. He’d done the pantomime thing more than he wanted to think about, and it wasn’t under his skin yet, but he could feel it starting to itch.

All the same, he knew what James was saying, and he nodded. He turned to Charlie and affected puppy-dog eyes. “Keep James?”

Charlie rolled his eyes, but he nodded his fist then spelled, ‘O-K.’

Pocket James seemed more than content to continue biting on Pumpkin’s ear and didn’t seem to notice when Rocco stood up and headed down the sidewalk after human James who had taken up a brisk pace. Rocco knew it was probably awkward for him too—communication barriers often made him want to put his fist through the wall. Hell, he was confused why James wanted to come along in the first place.

But he had, and he led the way across the street and down another until they were stepping into a bar that looked old and rustic. There was no one inside, and it took a moment for Rocco to realize the place was closed.

He followed James to the bar, which looked like any one of the trendy bars Eric dragged him to in Malibu—apart from the sort of rustic feel of the wood walls and floors. It was quiet though, no thrumming vibrations of music, and he didn’t see movement anywhere.

James seemed to know the place well enough though, because he bent over the marble top and came back with a server pad and a pen. ‘Rose’s in the back. She heard us come in and said she’d be out in a second.’

Rocco smiled and signed, ‘Thank you,’ mouthing it and James caught his meaning, nodding back.

He bent over the pad again and wrote for a while, then looked hesitant Copyright 2016 - 2024