Love Him Free (On the Market #1) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,58

the guy who did the nitty gritty tech work. But he’d picked up enough over the years, and he had friends.

He had a contract waiting for Simon that ensured he was the only one who would get paid, and he had a plan. Five videos—and then, if Simon wanted, if he was ready—a sixth. A sixth where Rocco would give something to Simon that he hadn’t given anyone else.

And Simon would take from him, and he would fulfill an expectation that Rocco believed was bullshit, but would most certainly line his pockets nicely. Enough to pull him out of debt and cushion his way into figuring out what he wanted next.

His mind briefly went back to the moment on the sofa, the terrified way Simon had looked at him, how he had spelled most of his words, because his fear had stolen his vocabulary. But he made himself clear enough.

He thought this might be a game, a way for Rocco to pass the time until all the shit with Eric and Xander either worked out or disappeared. He thought Rocco was just biding his time until he could walk away, and Rocco didn’t know how to assure him he wouldn’t, because he wasn’t sure about himself.

He had never fallen so hard, so fast.

He needed time—and he had it. Just…not right now.

Simon was staring at him expectantly, not sure what to do. His hand toyed with the hem of his shirt like he thought maybe he should pull it off, so Rocco closed his fingers around Simon’s delicate wrist and gave a light squeeze.

‘Wait,’ he signed, and Simon nodded. Rocco took a step back, then wiped his palms over the tops of his jeans. ‘The plan will be to film five videos to start. One per night. I have a contract for you to sign and a friend to help edit. Nothing goes live until you say it’s okay.’

Simon bit his lip. ‘Will you…orgasm? With me?’

Rocco blinked at him, a little startled by the question. ‘This is about you. This is me making you come.’

‘You have,’ Simon pointed out. ‘More than once. And you never…’ His hand hung in the air with hesitation.

Rocco hadn’t realized it. He’d been hyper focused on Simon to the exclusion of his own pleasure in the moment. He hadn’t minded—in fact, he’d loved it. He’d taken those images—the feel of Simon’s body tensing, the hitching in his breath, the hot puffs of air against Rocco’s face— and he’d stroked himself over and over the moment he’d gone back to his room.

The first night he made Simon come with just a kiss, he’d buried three fingers in his own ass and shouted into his pillow just reliving that moment. It was erotic and gorgeous—but he’d made a mistake in not sharing with Simon.

“Shit,” he said aloud.

Simon took a step back, then stopped when Rocco held up a hand in surrender.

‘No.’ Rocco raked fingers through his hair. ‘You have made me come. A lot. Just…not with me.’

Simon’s eyes went wide when he realized what Rocco was saying.

‘It’s not on purpose, I just enjoyed making you feel good. Of course I want to come with you.’

Simon took a fortifying breath, then squared his shoulders. Courage, bravery, boldness—it looked so fucking good on him, and Rocco was already starting to swell in his jeans. ‘Come with me after. I’ll do it for the video, and after…you and me.’

Rocco nodded so hard, his neck ached, but he crossed the distance and put his hands on Simon’s shoulder. What he wanted to do was kiss him. What he wanted was to pin Simon to the bed and fuck his cock between Simon’s thighs and cover them with his come.

‘Do you want to look at the contract now?’ Rocco asked.

Simon shook his head. ‘I trust you. We can look at it tomorrow. I feel like if I don’t do this now,’ his hands wavered in the air.

‘I understand,’ Rocco answered. He took a step back, then turned the camera on. It faced the bed, so they weren’t in the shot. Yet. He knew where to place Simon so his face mostly wouldn’t be seen, and the rest they could fix in post. Easy. He turned back to his lover and fixed him with a dark, seductive look. He wasn’t sure it would work on Simon now that they knew each other so well, but he saw pink flood his cheeks, and if possible, he got harder. ‘Follow my lead. I’ll keep our faces Copyright 2016 - 2024