Love Him Free (On the Market #1) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,55

world could find.

He knew this was more than just a vacation. He knew that under the cover of darkness, he was going to give Rocco his body for public consumption. He’d make money and pull himself out of the hole he’d dug—the one his bubbe had started and left him—and then…he didn’t know what. If he was lucky, he’d have something left after the sale of the building, and he didn’t think he’d need to sell the apartment, but part of him wanted to.

It would be like hacking off a limb, leaving that place, but it was time. His past felt infected, and there was no other cure but to remove its hold on him.

Swiping his hand over his forehead, Simon felt sweat in spite of the fact that it wasn’t hot. He was nervous. He could hear Rocco in the kitchen, the heavy thud as he put things away, the way he walked hard on the floors. Rocco murmured sometimes—unconscious, quiet noises he probably didn’t realize he was making, but Simon loved them. They were a reminder that he was there, that he was comfortable enough with Simon to let himself relax.

Swallowing thickly, Simon explored the rest of the house and found one smaller bedroom with a blacked-out window, and he knew instantly what it was for. His heart hammered in his chest, but in spite of his nerves and fear, his cock was hard. He backed out, then found the master bedroom, dropping his stuff in the corner near Rocco’s suitcase. As he stepped back, he felt a tug on his pant leg.

James was there, looking up with big, black doe-eyes peeking through his tufts of fur. Simon picked him up and cuddled him close. “You are so much cuter than human James.” The dog huffed against him, and Simon stroked fingers through his coat. “I have a feeling he’s soft like this deep down—but I also have a feeling only a couple people get to see it. It’s probably better that way.”

He made his way back to the kitchen, and he found Rocco at the sink filling a large pasta pot with water. Simon stood there in the doorway, holding the dog, watching his lover as he moved. Rocco was huge, but had a grace about him that most people didn’t. He wondered if it was from filming—from being famous, from always being observed. But something about it was more natural than practice.

He was smitten.

Rocco set the pot on the burner, then turned and smiled, and Simon realized Rocco knew he was there. He liked that, he liked that Rocco was aware of him. He felt his entire body soften—all but his dick—as Rocco crossed the room and put his hands to Simon’s waist. He glanced down at James, then leaned in and rubbed his nose along Simon’s, breathing in deep.

“Hi,” he said.

Simon didn’t respond with words or signs, but he turned his face up and initiated a kiss. Rocco groaned into it, took Simon’s waist and pulled him forward, to the side, then back until he hit the wall. One big hand lifted James out of his arms and eased him down to the floor before surging back up and kissing him harder, deeper.

Simon’s hands went to Rocco’s hair, burying in the thick, dark locks. He could do this forever. He could exist in these arms, this mouth on his, those fingers pressing bruising shapes into his skin, for the rest of his life. He wanted it, more than he had ever wanted anything.

And it terrified him and elated him all at the same time.

When had he gotten brave enough to admit it?

Rocco pulled back when he felt Simon’s body poised, on edge to let go, and he pressed his hand on Simon’s thigh. “Do you want to come?”

Simon swallowed thickly. He wouldn’t mind changing before dinner anyway, but he had a feeling the rental’s washer and dryer were going to get a workout. He bit his lip and shifted toward Rocco’s hand, nodding.

Rocco growled, then dragged his palm up, bypassing Simon’s dick. Simon let out a sharp whine, wanting to finally feel someone touch him there, but he didn’t need it. Rocco leaned in, dragging open lips just beneath his ear, and it was enough.

His body jerked with the orgasm—not as powerful as those first few, but powerful enough. His hips thrust against open air, then he collapsed against Rocco’s chest and let the other man gather him close. They had done this so many Copyright 2016 - 2024