Love Him Free (On the Market #1) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,49

either neighbor that if he wanted to make Simon scream, he wouldn’t have to worry about complaints to the owner or calls to the police.

There were three bedrooms, and they were all very nondescript—a typical B&B style lay-out with a poster bed and floral covers. He liked that there were no stairs, and he liked that there was a swing on the back porch which they could use in the mornings—if Simon truly wanted to stay with him for more than just their arrangement.

James nipped at his heels as the realtor started reading over the documents, so Rocco motioned that he was heading outside, and he unclipped his baby and let him run off into a short grove of trees to finish his business. The sun was low in the sky—closer to dusk than not, and Simon would be expecting him soon.

Rocco was due to spend the night over at Simon’s. He didn’t entirely understand the whole Shabbat thing, though he’d spent an hour on his phone looking up the rituals and it seemed needlessly complicated. The last religious thing he’d ever participated in was his cousin’s baptism which was an eternally long Mass, then a garden party at his aunt’s which went late into the night. It had devolved from tea and cress sandwiches to his mom throwing together pasta and everyone drinking out his uncle’s wine cellar.

Apart from the big holidays, weddings, confirmations—his family didn’t do much in the way of God or belief. The idea that Simon was so dedicated to his faith—that he lived every day in constant adherence to it, at least as much as he could—it was fascinating. It was also a little bit sexy, Rocco thought. Simon was nervous, and he was anxious, but beneath that was an underlying current of intense passion.

It ripped through him at any given moment, at any brush of Rocco’s hands, or whisper of his voice. And as much as Rocco wanted to believe it was all him—and he would take credit for some—he knew so much of it was just Simon. It was just the pieces of him he’d been neglecting for so long, but still existed. These pieces were clawing their way out now, though, and Rocco was overwhelmed by the beauty of it. Watching Simon fall apart—and more than that, watching him give in to the freedom of losing control—there were no words to describe it in either of his languages.

James came trotting back after a moment, and Rocco lifted him to his face, rubbing his nose through soft fur. He felt the pup’s chest vibrate with his little bark, and pulled back for a few kisses. He knew he was a bit of a diva, knew he was a spoiled pain in the ass sort of rich actor with his pocket dog and sports car. He had never been ashamed of it—but now he felt like maybe he was something a little more. He’d be seeing his lover soon—his lover, and god how that thrilled him.

When Rocco and James walked back in, Jack was finished with the lease agreement, and tucked the check away in his pocket before handing off the keys. Rocco had a feeling once Jack had looked him up, he hadn’t bothered with his references. Or, if he had, it was simply to say he was able to speak to a few of the top adult film stars in the industry. Rocco would use whatever he could to get his way—unashamedly. He wanted this for Simon. This wasn’t just for himself.

Tucking the key for the lock of their new sanctuary in his pocket, Rocco got into the car and shot Simon a text, letting him know he was on his way. He’d been instructed to bring dinner—something that didn’t mix dairy or meat, and no pork. That was easier said than done when his first instinct was a creamy carbonara—or even a pizza. But there was Greek nearby, and he loaded up on shawarma and falafel and dolma.

The spices infiltrated his car. James looked far too interested, but rode obediently on the edge of the passenger seat, only perking up when Rocco pulled into the spot near Simon’s car and turned the engine off. He probably had too much with him, but for now he grabbed the food, the dog, and James’ little suitcase with all of his things.

Simon: It’s sunset, and I’ve already lit the candles. Go ahead and let yourself in.

Rocco, after all his study, had some idea what Copyright 2016 - 2024