Love to Hate You (Hope Valley #9) - Jessica Prince Page 0,83

I hissed, “Shit.”

Leo smirked like an asshole. “See it’s finally startin’ to sink in. That’s okay, man. It’s not like you’re used to bein’ in a real relationship. You’re on a bit of a learning curve.”

I flipped him off and turned back to my computer, pretending to study whatever had just popped up on the screen. But the truth was, I couldn’t concentrate to save my life, because I was too busy trying to think of a way to win Hayden back.


Sylvia had tried dragging me out of the bed earlier this morning to do yoga with her in the garden, but with Ivy at her dad’s for the weekend, I’d taken advantage of the rare quiet time to sink deeper into my pity party. I stayed in bed until after ten, burrowed deep into my pillows with the blankets pulled up over my head.

The only reason I’d dragged my mopey ass out and into the shower was because my stomach started to protest it’s lack of food, and I’d been too depressed all week to go grocery shopping, so there wasn’t a damn thing to eat in the house.

I’d put no effort into my appearance whatsoever, yanking on a pair of ratty yoga pants and a loose tee with an unidentifiable stain on the shoulder that I only wore while I was cleaning the house or gardening. I didn’t bother brushing my hair before throwing it up in a sloppy knot on the top of my head.

I drove to Muffin Top on autopilot, desperate for coffee and something sweet and full of calories.

When I got to the shop and saw who all was there, I nearly turned and bailed, but the smells of sugar and coffee kept me from running like a coward.

Dani was behind the counter, chatting with Tempie, Rory, and Nona, who were standing across from her. All four of them turned to me when the bell over the door rang, and the instant they spotted me, the conversation stopped. Their mouths fell open, and their eyes went wide.

“My God,” Rory stage whispered. “It’s worse than I thought.”

I ignored that and kept heading for the counter. “Hey guys. How are you?”

“Apparently, better than you, doll,” Nona replied, her features awash with concern as she looked me over. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, totally,” I lied. Looking to Dani, I asked, “Can I get a white mocha with extra whipped cream? And add caramel drizzle on top. I’ll also have a bear claw, a piece of coffee cake, and two bags of donut holes. If they’re fresh.”

Tempie moved closer to me, placing her hand on my arms. “Honey, what are you doing?”

I looked to my friend, my expression as blank as my voice as I replied, “What’s it look like? I’m eating my feelings.”

“No.” She shook her head. “You’re eating diabetes. This isn’t healthy, babe. How about we all sit down and you talk to us instead of eating and drinking your way to a massive coronary?”

“Fine,” I relented on a pitiful sigh, letting her take me by the shoulders and lead me toward a table. “But I still want that coffee.”

“Of course.”

“And the donut holes.”

“Why don’t we see how the chat goes?”

She guided me into one of the chairs, then she, Nona, and Rory took the other seats, all of them watching me closely, like they were afraid I was going to fall apart at any moment. They weren’t wrong.

“So, how are you really doing?” Rory asked, a weak smile on her face.

I waved my hands up and down. “How’s it look like I’m doing? I’m a freaking disaster. Even Alex looked at me with pity when he picked Ivy up yesterday. And Sylvia’s forced me to work in the back of the shop all week because she said I’d scare off the customers.”

Nona bobbed her head from side to side, her lips stretched into a grimace. “Well, you do kind of have this Bride of Frankenstein meets Carrie after the pig’s blood vibe going right now.”

Dani placed a coffee in front of me before pulling up an empty chair. I picked it up and slugged some back. There was no caramel, but it was still damn good, so I let it slide.

“What’s the point of basic hygiene when you’ve got no man to smell good for?” I lamented.

“Oh, wow. Okay.” Tempie twisted in her seat to face me full on. “I didn’t realize we’d fallen this far down the rabbit hole already. We should have intervened sooner.”

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