Love-Blocked – Charity Parkerson Page 0,32

before focusing on Derreck. “I’ll arrange for someone to pick you up for work in the morning. I don’t know how long this will take.”

Something about Kirill’s tone didn’t feel right. It didn’t sound real. “Do you need me to come with you? Things might go quicker with both of us there.”

Kirill shook his head. “Jett needs you more. He deserves to be babied after our rough treatment.”

Derreck couldn’t argue with that. They had never really discussed taking Jett at the same time like that. Derreck had gotten carried away. “Okay. Call me if you change your mind. I can Uber over there or whatever.”

Kirill leaned in and kissed Derreck. It was sweet and lingering—like a proper goodbye. Derreck couldn’t shake the feeling of wrongness. Maybe Kirill was right, though. It was possible he just felt guilty for taking Jett as hard as he had.

Derreck pulled away and kissed the tip of Kirill’s nose. “Be careful going back to work. I’ll see you in the morning.”

With a nod, Kirill dropped his head and kissed Jett again. He whispered something Derreck didn’t catch before rolling away and leaving them behind.

Derreck dropped his chin and eyed Jett. His cheeks were flushed, but he didn’t look any worse for the wear. “Are you okay?”

Jett nodded.

Derreck couldn’t let it go. He grabbed the covers and snuggled beneath them with Jett in his arms. “Are you sure? I didn’t ask for your permission before going all in like that.”

Jett chuckled. His body shook with silent laughter. “Did you hear me complaining?”

“No, but still.”

Jett shushed him and kissed him so he couldn’t talk anymore. His emotions settled down. Some of his fear slipped away. “I love you,” Derreck whispered against Jett’s lips, because he couldn’t stop.

“I love you too.”

With Jett’s reassurances and words of love brushing his skin, Derreck let the cares of the world slip away. As much as he wished the three of them could be snuggling right now, after having his world rocked, one of the things Derreck loved most about Kirill was his capability. He was strong and steady. Dependable. Derreck didn’t doubt for a second that Kirill would smooth things over quickly and be back in bed with them before the end of the night. He didn’t think Kirill could stand an empty bed at the hotel—not when Jett and Derreck were right here waiting. He would be back. Derreck believed in him.


There was a hollow pit in Derreck’s gut. Kirill hadn’t come back last night and wasn’t answering his texts today. Derreck had gotten to work fifteen minutes early, hoping to hunt him down. While Kirill hadn’t done or said anything to make Derreck think there was a problem per se, Derreck felt the same way he had when Jett had abandoned him a year earlier. It was entirely possible that Derreck had some issues and there was nothing to worry about. Derreck needed to set eyes on Kirill. He wouldn’t feel better until Kirill told him they were fine.

After ten minutes of searching all the obvious places, Derreck gave up and stopped at the first craps table he came to. Marla, a longtime employee, manned the table. Since it was early and the casino was dead, she looked bored.

She perked up at the sight of him. “Hey, Derreck. How are you this morning?”

Derreck’s anxiety kept him from making small talk. “I’m good. Have you seen Kirill around?”

Marla leaned closer—like she didn’t want to be overheard. “Zander Kapra showed up here this morning. I heard a rumor that Kirill has left his position and Zander is here to deal with the empty slot.” She winked. “My money is on you getting the job.”

Derreck couldn’t breathe. Kirill left. Where had he gone? What the actual fuck? He couldn’t show his panic, since no one knew they were together, but goddamn. Kirill was gone. Derreck didn’t understand.

Marla’s smile disappeared. “Heads up. Mafia goon closing in.” She quickly turned away and pretended to work, leaving Derreck to deal with the behemoth bearing down on him. He pinned Derreck in place with his intense stare. “Mr. Kapra would like a moment of your time.”

Derreck pasted on his best customer service smile. “Of course.” With his agreement in place, Derreck pretended to have a choice in the matter as he followed the guy to the elevator. The ride up to the penthouse was made in heavy silence. Derreck fought the urge to chatter nervously while his thoughts still raced around Kirill. How could Kirill just Copyright 2016 - 2024