Love-Blocked – Charity Parkerson Page 0,21

hummed. “Mhmm, gang.”

Derreck mimicked Kirill’s hum against Jett’s lips. “Up.”

With a snort, Jett found the strength to push them away and head for the bedroom. He pressed his hands to his cheeks. Jett couldn’t stop smiling. He couldn’t recall ever being this happy. It was just so damn ridiculous. People didn’t happily date two people at the same time, right? This was crazy. Surely, this whole thing would explode in their faces. Jett glanced over his shoulder. Kirill and Derreck watched him go with matching hungry stares. He nearly missed a step. All through packing two days’ worth of clothes, Jett floated in a haze while questions bombarded him. At least one of them should be jealous. Shouldn’t they? When Jett thought about Derreck kissing Antonio, he wanted to storm back into the living room and punch Derreck in the balls. Yet Jett knew Derreck had been alone with Kirill today. At the very least, they had kissed without him there. He searched his heart. All he felt was envious. He wished he had been there to enjoy it. It was all so damn strange. It was like he was embracing some part of himself he hadn’t realized he neglected. Or maybe he just liked them both so much, he wasn’t willing to give up either man. Jett wanted to ride this out until its inevitable messy end.

“Are you okay?”

At Kirill’s sudden appearance, Jett realized he had been standing over his packed bag and staring at nothing for god only knew how long. Jett picked up his bag. “Yeah. Sorry. I guess I got lost in my thoughts.”

Kirill moved closer. “Were at least one of those thoughts about me?”

He looked so sexy in his black t-shirt and dark jeans. His light blue eyes looked even lighter with his dark hair hanging in his eyes. He was a bit of a bad boy. Jett could feel it in his bones. “I don’t know if I should admit to thinking about you. You strike me as the type to take advantage.”

“I take that as a yes, and yes I plan to take advantage.” With that warning hanging between them, Kirill hauled Jett forward and kissed him. A wave of neediness washed over Jett. He wanted to be held and kissed. Petted. Loved. As if Kirill read his mind, he kissed Jett sweetly. Softly. Jett’s heart beat a little faster. He’d never expected this one. Maybe a small part of him had believed Derreck would show back up one day, but he hadn’t seen Kirill coming.

“I’m beginning to think you want me more than just a little.”

Kirill’s quiet assessment surprised a laugh from Jett. “What gave me away? Did I hold your stare a little too long? Or maybe when I licked your cock, I wore just a certain expression.”

Kirill didn’t laugh as Jett hoped. Instead, Kirill’s gaze moved over Jett’s face, as if searching for something only he could see. “No,” he said finally. “Anyone can blow someone, even if they hate them. You keep letting me see the real you. I don’t think you do that very often or with many people.”

Fuck. He was right. Jett normally hid behind a mask. He was a pretender, showing people what they wanted to see. The more time Jett spent with Kirill, the less he hid. Jett needed to be careful. Otherwise, he might find himself in love with two men. Then what would he do? Surely he would be forced to choose. What had he started?

When Kirill said they had a plane to catch, Derreck hadn’t expected Kirill meant a private plane. Since Derreck had driven Antonio several times to the private airstrip, he had known exactly where Kirill was headed halfway to the airport. Still, he hadn’t said a word. Even when Jett tossed him a questioning look on the sly, Derreck had simply shaken his head as they climbed the steps into a private jet.

Jett obviously decided to give up on Derreck when Derreck wouldn’t commiserate with him. Instead, he went after Kirill. “Um, what’s going on? This plane has a bedroom.”

“So it does,” Kirill said with a chuckle, doing nothing to squelch their curiosity.

While Kirill spoke with the pilot, Derreck and Jett sat on a couch that lined one side of the plane. Derreck leaned Jett’s way. “I think the general manager position pays a lot more than what I’m making at Luna.”

Jett covered a snort.

Kirill glanced their way and winked. Derreck knew Kirill was too far away to have Copyright 2016 - 2024