Lots of Naughty & A Little Nice - Leigh Lennon Page 0,58

and crawls into the bed between Knox and me. “The presents aren’t going anywhere. It’s not like they are going to just poof and disappear.”

Leave it to our son to so eloquently be blunt about this. “Yeah, but aren’t you excited, son?” Knox asks.

“I will be, once I get a cup of coffee and can open my eyes properly.” Our North is five going on thirty-five, and when he says coffee, Ro started letting him have an eighth of a cup of coffee with warm milk. Of course, Ro would. North’s personality is just like Ro, where Nicolas acts like his other father.

We never pursued to know who the bio daddy was of the triplets. And honestly, I don’t care. Nor do I choose to find out. All three kids are the spitting image of me. And with both boys taking after each dad in their personality, it simply reaffirms my hypothesis of nature vs. nurture. Both boys are like each dad because they are around them. Not that one gives more attention to the other, but it just works in our little—well, big family.

I look at both my men with screams of Noelle and Nicolas downstairs and the coffee wafting through the house. “You ready to start our day?” I ask as Ro already has North in his strong arms.

“Yeah, toy maker. Once again, Christmas has given us everything we could ever ask for.” Knox drops a kiss on my forehead when Ro leans in, out of the earshot of our son.

“And don’t forget, you’re ours. And later, we’ll prove it to you.” That’s my bossy man, and his words send a shiver down my spine.

“You promise?” I return in my sultry tone, quiet so only both my men can hear.

“Every single day, baby.”

And like always with my men, they make every day feel like Christmas morning when I’m in their arms.

A Note to my Readers

I hope you enjoyed Avery, Ro, and Knox’s story. If you loved this book, I’d love for you to leave a review, on Goodreads or on Amazon.

Would you like to know more about Clara, Bodhi, Jack, and their little boy, Declan, in Forgiven? You can one click today on Amazon.

Do you remember Avery watching the two football players who had just come out? Crush and Ryder have a great story to tell! One click today on Amazon.

And as always, all of my books are free in KU.

What I have learned along the way

I had planned this last year, and originally it was supposed to be a ten thousand word short story. Then I thought it would be a short novella. But as I was brainstorming, I remembered a friend sharing with me about how she moved into a new neighborhood just weeks before Christmas and how her neighbors greeted her—explaining their holiday tradition of Christmas luminaries. From this idea, I decided I’d introduce a committed couple who fell for the girl next door. Just not any girl, but someone who had something to fight for as Avery had with her little sister Whitney.

When I shared this idea with one of my beta readers, she found that Avery meant elf. From there, the entire story transformed into a full length novel.

I hope you loved the free spirit of Whitney. She was a lot of fun to write, especially given the emotional scene in court. It brought tears to my eyes.

And as far as Lots of Naughty and a Little Nice, I hope you fell in love with Avery, Rowan, and Knox as I have.

Until the next book,


Other Books by Leigh Lennon

The Power of Three Love Series





A Love is Love Book

My Only Reason

My Only Regret

Father/Son Duet

Like Father Like Son

Different as Night and Day

425 Madison Avenue Series (Multi Author Series)

Must Love Coffee

Must Love Forever

With Me in Seattle Universe Novel

Forbidden with Me

False Start

Dungeon Elite



Devotion: Coming Soon October 2020

Fans of Football Series

Color Blind

Rules of Submission

The Jake Davis Novella Series (Now in a Box Set)

The Complete Package

Stand Alone Books


The Last Breath

It Takes a Village!

Thanks to everyone!

Ashley—I adore you so much and am so glad you’re now part of my team! And you push me to be a better writer!

Auden, thanks for the support you give me always and how you embrace my kind of crazy. I’m so happy to be on this journey with you.

Jenny Sims—Thanks for the commitment to my books, to make it the best it can be.

Julie— I can’t imagine publishing a book without you! You’re a gem!

Kelly—I can’t say enough about you! You’re the best PA ever! And I love that you’re my PA!

Thanks to my dear friend, Elizabeth—who will listen to every story so many times, you know my characters as well as I do. I love you!

Dawn—You’ve been a part of my life for so long, I don’t remember you not being there for me. You give me so much support in everything I do, and you embrace the fact I write naughty scenes without judgement.

Amie and Miranda—I love the friendship we’ve forged through books! Y’all are some crazy ones and I adore you so effing much.

To Kate—Thanks for coming in last minute and helping me create the right vision for Avery, Rowan, and Knox.

I can’t say enough to my Facebook group page: Succulent and Sassy Reads! You all are so awesome and I am humbled you follow me and encourage me to continue writing.

Thanks so much to my incredible arc team and to everyone who read an advance copy and posted a review. You ladies are so valuable to me!

I want to thank my readers because without you, this would not be possible!

Of course, none of this would be a possibility without the hubs and our little ones who call me Mom. I love you more than I can express.


About the Author

Leigh Lennon is a mother, a veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion, writing twelve books. Now ready to publish all of them, she lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

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