Lost Roses - Martha Hall Kelly Page 0,105

had to have someone to blame for his failures. But I’m just happy we’re preserving Russia’s great art. Poetry and art are the first things to perish in times like these.”

How smart he was. Surely, he would find me dull.

A waiter lit our candle and Radimir ordered us boiled eggs, black bread, and two vodkas.

“I’ve never had a drink of that,” I said.

“Time to start.”

“I cannot stay long.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll have you back soon.”

Radimir played with his glass. “I have a confession to make. I saw you come into the hotel lobby.”

I tried to hide my smile.

“I went to every floor looking for you. Glad I came along when I did.” He slid closer to me and brushed a stray lock of hair back off my cheek. “What happened to your face here?”

“I had an accident. Ironing.”

He kissed the tips of his fingers and touched my burn just as Max had, with such care.

“Dangerous pursuit, ironing.”

My eyes watered at his kindness.

The waiter came with the vodka bottle and two glasses and set them on the table.

Radimir leaned closer. “You have a pretty smile, you know. Makes me want to kiss you.”

“I’ve never kissed a boy.”

“Really? I don’t believe it. But that’s good for me. Nothing to compare me to.”

Radimir poured vodka into both glasses. “Few girls have let me kiss them, of course, but I’ve studied the art from books and at the cinema.”

I smiled. It was my turn not to believe him.

“Seems there are three things to remember.” He threw back his vodka.

I looked at the clear liquid in my glass, took a breath, and swallowed it all.

“Very good, Varinka. You have promise.”

I set my empty glass on the table. “Tell me the three things.”

He smiled and looked away for a moment. “Well, number one is never go in cold. You must warm up.” He touched the side of my neck with his fingers. “The great ones tease a bit. Maybe brush your lips across this spot just here.” He sent his fingers along the curve of my jaw. “Or here.”

I tingled all over. Was it the vodka?

“And then?”

He moved closer and took my chin in his hand to bring my gaze to his. “Part two is a good one. You must look deep into the other person’s eyes. Maybe you’ll see vulnerability. Or fear. Love, if you’re lucky.”

His eyes shone in the candlelight. What a nice color they were, green as his jacket.

He kept his gaze locked on mine. “Take your time here because that makes part three even better.”

I swallowed hard.

He dipped a finger in his glass and ran it wet down my lips. “The final phase. The actual moment of pressing lips against lips. Soft and sweet if you do it right. The key here is to let it come to you.”

Time stood still as I breathed in his scent, of leather books and hair tonic and smoke.

All at once, the waiter set a plate on the table, the boiled eggs rolling on it, white and smooth. I let out a long sigh. I would not get my kiss. Had I been holding my breath that whole time?

We talked about how good it would be once the Red Army won, until I checked the clock on the wall. 7:45. A spasm went through me and I grabbed Radimir’s hand. How could a whole hour have passed?

“I must go.”

He stood, tossed money on the table, and slipped the eggs and bread into his pocket. We laughed as we ran, on backstreets back to the hotel, trying to eat our slippery eggs.

Just before eight we stood outside the lobby doors in the shadows. I scanned the lobby for Taras.

“Open your mouth,” Radimir said.

I opened it wide.

I could feel him smile in the dark. “You are a trusting one.” His fingers traced my face, feeling for my open mouth, and a thick piece of black bread came gently pushed through my lips.

Had bread ever tasted so good?

“I would like to see you again,” he said.

“I’m leaving Malinov soon.”

“Me, too. Off to Paris.”

I gasped a little breath. “We may all go soon, as well. Taras has an assignment there.”

Something strange flickered across Radimir’s face. “Well, then I’ll see you in Paris.”

He pulled me to him.

I pressed one hand to his chest. “I can’t remember all the steps.”

Would he hate me for rejecting him? Taras would break a wrist for less.

Radimir laughed and brushed the hair back from my forehead. “You’re right, Varinka. I’ve made my kissing tutorial too complicated. And

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