The Lost Book of the White (The Eldest Curses #2) - Cassandra Clare Page 0,54

how friendly relations were. The weight of the Cold Peace and Magnus’s wound and the unknowns stacked on top of unknowns came down upon him.

“I wish Max were here,” he whispered to Magnus, and that was when the thing with wings swooped down and collided violently with Tian.

* * *

MAGNUS WAS DISTRACTED BY THE feeling in his chest; ever since they’d passed through the gate into the concession, he’d felt it. Each time his heart beat, it sent a small throb of magic through his body, and he could feel that throb burst behind his chest wound and extend in spirals along the links of the chains on his arms. It didn’t feel bad, but he didn’t know what it was, and he didn’t like that. He wanted to head straight for the Celestial Palace and bury himself in research; privately he thought talking to Peng Fang was a waste of time. In the past, he probably would have voiced this feeling. In the past, he probably would have convinced them to skip Peng’s entirely and go straight to the bookstore.

He was so lost in thought that he didn’t see the shadow pass over them, and he was taken aback when the bird-woman smashed into Tian.

He saw Alec and the other New York Shadowhunters drop back and reach for the few weapons they had on them—except for Simon, who put up his hands as though blocking a punch and looked around as if wondering what to do. Quickly, however, they all realized that Tian didn’t seem worried—indeed, he was smiling and laughing.

“Jinfeng!” he was saying, and Magnus realized that the bird-woman had given Tian a quick hug and, while she had moved away, was smiling at him.

She was a faerie, he realized a little belatedly, and a striking one at that: a feng huang, a phoenix. The Chinese phoenix was an entirely different faerie from the Western phoenix, and much more beautiful. She was almost as tall as Tian, and her gleaming black hair fell to her feet. Wings of red, yellow, and green spread from her back, rippling in the air; her skin was traced with delicate designs in luminous gold. Her dark eyes, ringed with long lashes, shimmered as she regarded the group.

Jace, Clary, and Isabelle were slowly lowering their weapons in confusion. Simon continued to stare wide-eyed, and Alec, of course, was watching Magnus, giving him a questioning look.

Tian was speaking quietly to the faerie girl. “Oh,” she said in Mandarin, “I’m so sorry. Are these… who…” She trailed off, smiling shyly.

“Would you like to introduce us, Tian?” said Magnus mildly.

“Yes,” said Tian. “This is Jinfeng, everybody. Jinfeng,” and he continued in Mandarin, “these are the Shadowhunters of New York. And also Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn.”

The phoenix pulled back, suddenly wary. “I’m sorry,” she said again. “I know I—the Cold Peace—”

“It’s okay,” Magnus said. “We don’t like the Cold Peace much ourselves.”

“Jinfeng is the daughter of the weaponsmiths I was talking about yesterday,” Tian said. “And also”—he sighed—“my girlfriend.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” said Jace. Clary whacked him on the shoulder. Jinfeng nervously moved back over to Tian and put an arm around him. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled.

“As you can imagine,” Tian continued, “we’ve had to keep our relationship secret when others are around. My family has no problem with our being together, but there are plenty in the Shanghai Conclave who would love to use it against us.”

“How do your parents feel about Tian?” Magnus said to Jinfeng. “Or their court?”

Jinfeng turned to Magnus, pleased to have someone other than Tian who could converse with her in Mandarin. “They like him,” she said, her feathers rustling a little, “and they trust him. But they don’t trust his people.” She took in Alec, who had his arm draped casually around Magnus. “How do your people feel about him?”

“I don’t really have people,” Magnus said, “but they seem to mostly like him. And these are all his closest friends and family, right here, and I would trust them with my life.” At this, Tian raised his eyebrows. Magnus caught his look and went on, “It’s taken a few years, though. I’m vouching for you guys, by the way,” he added to the rest of them, this last sentence in English.

“Tell her about the Alliance,” Alec said, nudging Magnus.

“My boyfriend wants me to tell you that he founded the Downworlder-Shadowhunter Alliance,” Magnus said, and batted his eyelashes at Alec. “If you know what Copyright 2016 - 2024