The Lost Book of the White (The Eldest Curses #2) - Cassandra Clare Page 0,134

over and stroked Max’s head affectionately, looking a bit distracted.

Jace and Isabelle had gone to hug Maryse; Simon and Clary were chattering to Kadir and Catarina. Holding Max, Alec leaned into Magnus, savoring the circle the three of them made—here, surrounded by their family and friends. He had risked his life and been thankful to get home safe many times before, but this was different. This was painful and beautiful and terrible and perfect.

Fairly soon, Jace, Clary, Simon, and Isabelle excused themselves to go clean up—they were all streaked with dirt and grime. Alec knew he didn’t look much better, but he didn’t care—he bounced Max in his arms while Magnus dragged Catarina off for a conversation. Alec assumed he wanted to tell her about Ragnor—they had been close for centuries, and she would need to know the whole saga, starting with his not being dead and ending with… wherever he was going now.

For their part, Maryse and Kadir seemed happy, both to have watched Max and also to return the baby to his parents. Max, too, seemed sanguine enough. He bounced contentedly in Alec’s arms.

“Wasn’t too bad?” Alec said, smiling.

“No!” said Maryse. “Not at all. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“I can’t help but notice,” Alec said, “that your arm is in a sling. Also,” he added to Kadir, “that you have two black eyes.”

Kadir and Maryse exchanged glances and then returned to their sunny smiles. “Nothing to do with Max,” Maryse said breezily. “Just a bit of an accident hanging a picture on a high wall.”

“Uh-huh,” said Alec. “So definitely nothing to do with Max?”

“The very idea is ridiculous,” said Kadir solemnly.

“We had an excellent time watching Max,” said Maryse firmly. “And we greatly look forward to doing it again.”

“Again!” agreed Max. Alec chucked him under the chin.

“Hey, kiddo,” Clary said. She and Jace had returned, changed and scrubbed. Her red hair shone. Alec noted that Jace was still carrying his spear from Diyu; apparently he’d grown fond of it. Clary ruffled Max’s blue hair. “Keeping out of trouble?”

“Boof,” Max confided. He high-fived Jace.

“That’s a fine spear, Jace,” said Kadir. “Though I prefer a naginata, myself.”

“Okay,” said Jace. “Mom, Kadir. Clary and I were talking. And I think… I’m willing to run the Institute, but only if I can do it with Clary. Both of us together.”

Maryse seemed delighted. “I think that will work out fine.” She looked over at Alec. “Did you help convince him?”

Alec shook his head. “Nope. He decided on his own. Have you told Isabelle and Simon yet?” he added to Jace.

Jace and Clary exchanged a glance. “We went to Isabelle’s room,” Jace said cautiously, “but they seemed to be, uh, busy.”

“That’s my sister,” said Alec. “I didn’t need to know that.” He looked over at his mother, who was, or was pretending to be, deep in conversation with Kadir.

“At least you didn’t have to hear it,” said Clary.

The corner of Jace’s lip twitched. “I guess Simon has realized that rather than dwelling on life’s uncertainties, you should spend quality time with people you love.”

“Dear God,” said Alec, “I am removing myself and my baby from this conversation.”

He headed across the room to Magnus, still deep in discussion with Catarina. She looked stunned, but managed to smile as Alec approached them carrying Max.

Max held his chubby blue arms out to Magnus. “Ba!” he said.

“Oh, here,” Alec said. “Take the little guy for a minute.” He prepared for the handoff.

Magnus backed away, hands raised as though warding something off. “No, you… you keep him for now. I’ll, uh, I’ll just…”

“What?” said Alec. “What’s wrong?”

Magnus looked around hectically. “I’ve just… I’ve been very monster-y recently. I’m still a little rattled from that. I don’t want to, you know… drop him. Or anything.”

“Magnus,” Alec said. “You aren’t monster-y. You’re Magnus. Take your kid.”

“Excuse us, Alec,” said Catarina, and caught hold of Magnus’s hand. “I need to borrow your boyfriend for a moment.”

* * *

CATARINA THRUST MAGNUS INTO A chair in the hallway. He was still slightly dizzy; she had advanced on him and dragged him away from Alec and Max with startling force. Sometimes he forgot how strong she was.

She stared at him intensely. “Don’t do this,” she said.


“Don’t do this self-loathing, ‘wah wah I’m a monster’ thing. It’s unbecoming.”

Magnus hesitated. “You didn’t see Shinyun. I got very close to becoming a monster. It’s a complete fluke that I was saved.”

Catarina looked at him skeptically. “I thought it was a very clever plan executed by your boyfriend.”

“Well, yes, but Copyright 2016 - 2024