The Lost Book of the White (The Eldest Curses #2) - Cassandra Clare Page 0,10

white hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. As Alec followed her back toward the bedroom, she said, “How long ago did it happen?”

“Not long,” said Alec. “Twenty minutes, maybe. He says he’s fine.”

“He always says he’s fine,” said Catarina. She went into the bedroom and barked, “Take that hideous silk thing off, Magnus, let’s see this injury.” She paused. “Also, why is your bed covered in maps?”

“It’s a perfectly nice robe,” said Magnus. “And we were planning a post-stabbing vacation.”

“We were attacked by Shinyun Jung, the warlock we met in Europe a few years ago,” Alec said. “We were Tracking—anyway, we found out where she is. Looks like Shanghai.”

Catarina nodded; it was clear to Alec this meant nothing to her. He wondered if Magnus was going to mention Ragnor. It was, he thought, definitely up to Magnus whether to share that news. He looked at Magnus, who said only, “She did it with something she called a Svefnthorn.”

“Never heard of it,” Catarina said. “But isn’t this whole apartment full of books about magic?”

Alec said, a little defensively, “I didn’t want to start looking through books before I knew whether Magnus was okay.”

“I’m great,” said Magnus, as Catarina prodded at his temples and then peered closely into one of his eyes.

Alec watched nervously as Catarina examined Magnus. After a few minutes, she sighed. “My official diagnosis is that this wound is definitely not good, and I don’t know how to make it go away. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem to be directly harming you at the moment.”

“So what you’re saying,” said Magnus, “is that in your professional opinion, there’s no reason for us not to go directly to Shanghai to find Shinyun and get this cleared up.”

“I am not saying that,” said Catarina. “Alec can do some research in your library and the Institute’s library, and I will look at my own sources in the morning and see what I can find. You should definitely not go haring off to Shanghai with a glowing magical hole in your chest.”

Magnus put up a bit more of a fuss, but in the end, as Alec had known he would, he deferred to Catarina’s wisdom. Once Magnus had promised to take her assessment of the situation seriously, she sighed, ruffled his hair, and headed out.

Alec walked Catarina to the door, where she gave him a long look. “Magnus Bane,” she said, “is like a cat.”

Alec raised his eyebrows.

“He’ll never let you know how much pain he’s in. He’ll put on a brave face, even to his own detriment.” She put her hand on Alec’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here to take care of him now. I worry about him a little less these days.”

“If you think I can make Magnus do what I say,” Alec said with a smile, “you have been sadly misinformed. He’ll listen to me, but he does what he likes. I guess that’s another way he’s like a cat.”

Catarina nodded and said, deadpan, “Also, he has cat eyes.”

Alec gave her a quick hug. “Good night, Catarina.”

Back in the bedroom, Alec found Magnus with his robe back on, digging around under the bed. “What are you doing?” Alec cried.

“Obviously,” said Magnus, eyes gleaming, “we are haring off to Shanghai to find Shinyun and Ragnor.”

“No, we are not,” said Alec. “You promised Catarina you’d take this injury seriously.”

“I am,” said Magnus. “I’m feeling very seriously that getting hold of Shinyun and Ragnor is the best way to start healing up.”

“Maybe,” said Alec. “But right now, we are getting the four hours of sleep we can get before Max wakes up.”

Magnus looked mutinous, but then sighed and sat back down on the edge of the bed. “Hell. We didn’t ask Catarina if she would watch Max while we’re gone.”

“Another reason to wait for morning. We can figure out the plan for Max and gather at least a little information before we go.” Alec waited a moment and then said, carefully, “We could be gone for days, you know.”

Magnus hesitated, then nodded in acceptance. “That’s true. Okay. Tomorrow morning we see who can watch Max for… for days.” He gave Alec an incredulous look that he knew well by now, as it was a look that he gave Magnus too. It was a look that said, How is this our life? How is it so strange, and difficult, and exhausting, and wonderful?

“How has this not come up before?” Alec said. “Having to find someone to watch Max?”

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