Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,89

tell you. I felt helpless. I watched you with him…with that asshole motherfucker, and—”

“Don’t! I told you this has nothing to do with Stephan. Don’t blame Stephan! You can only blame yourself.” My voice is shaking I’m so angry.

“I made a mistake. She meant nothing. I don’t even remember what she looks like. I never asked for her name. I don’t give a fuck!”

“I understand why you cheated. I’ve told you this already.” Now I sound exasperated.

“It wasn’t because we were already over. Don’t say that! I refuse to believe it. I know you haven’t forgiven me.” His face is red.

“I did forgive you. I have!” I growl. Everything in me quietens. “I can’t forgive you for this.” I’m shaking my head.

“I did it for us. To get you away from him. I needed you to think straight.”

“I was thinking straight. I’m thinking straight right now. Give me some credit!” I yell. “We will never be together. Never!”

I watch his face fall. He swipes a hand over his eyes. I think I might have caught the glint of a tear falling. I can’t feel sorry for him. Not after all this! “I don’t even know if we can be friends again.”

He makes this anguished noise. “Please, Raven. Please!”

“You went too far, West. Please, all I ask is that you sort yourself out. Go for help! Do it for you. Not for me or anyone else.”

“I’m fine!” he growls.

“You haven’t faced up to what happened to Raider and Mimi…to the shitty childhood you had. You need to own it.”

“What do you mean own it?” His voice is gruff and emotion-filled. “I live it every fucking day.”

“I mean deal with it…come to terms with it. I mean that you need to work through all of it.”

“I just want you, Raven. We can face all of it together. We can—”

“No! You are so filled with hate…you can’t see.”

“I see just fine. I see you…” He swipes at his face again, tearing his hand through his hair.

“I can’t see you for a while,” I say as I step backward. “A long while…”

“Bubbles…” he pleads.

“No! Don’t call me that! Don’t!” To think hearing him tease me with that stupid nickname, once upon a time, made my heart flutter. I saw a bumblebee and accidentally called it a bubble bee. Everyone laughed. It was hilarious. For West, the nickname stuck. He called me Bubble Bee or Bubbles for a long time after that. I don’t really remember when he stopped, or why he stopped. I know why he started up again, and I don’t like it. “I’m not the same person I was back then. I’ve changed. I’ve moved on. I really hope that you can, too. Goodbye, West. Look after yourself.” I walk out before he can say anything more. There isn’t anything that I need to hear. I’ve told West everything I came to say.

The guys go in to see West after me. Ten minutes later, we leave. The mood is somber. When we arrive back at the house, Stephan’s door is closed.

It’s the first time I’ve seen his door shut. It’s normally open just a tiny crack. I stand there just looking at it for a few moments, contemplating whether to knock softly or come back later.

“He doesn’t want to be disturbed,” Jarrod whispers from down the hall.

I nod, watching Jarrod walk away.

That’s odd. I get this funny feeling. Maybe Stephan is one of those guys who doesn’t want a relationship. The kind of guy who only picks women who are unavailable. If they do become available, then he doesn’t want them anymore. I know I’m overthinking this. I’m sure I’m being an idiot. He’s probably just tired and wants to rest. He’ll be up and about soon.

Anyway, I’m not sure I should dive into something new. Then I think about Stephan…his smile, how shy he is, how freaking cute he is. How he claimed me, stood up for me, and nearly died for me…and I hope I’m wrong.



Two days later…

I’m painting like a demon. In a way, it’s therapeutic. I’m feeling less shitty as I watch the fresh paint coat the wall behind my brush. I’m inside the bakery because I needed some privacy. It’s chaos outside with all the people and the press. Besides, Night and Tri have been throwing me these pitying looks. I’m sick of it. They think something is up with me. They’re assuming it’s something to do with Raven, and they would be right.

I’m a mess.

A fucking

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