Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,86

had a vision. That it was bad. You were about to tell me about it when West jumped you. What did you see?”

“I saw his future when he clasped me around the back of my neck. When he told me about how happy you guys were going to be, and all of the other bullshit.”

“You had a vision then too?” Jarrod sounds shocked.

I nod.

“What was it?” Raven asks.

“It was different to the ones that came after. The future most definitely is not set in stone. In my first vision, I saw my own death. West twisted my head from my shoulders.” People wonder why I hate my gift.

I see Raven cringe. My brother looks like he’s about to pop a vein.

“I then saw him talking to Tarek. If I had died, Isa would not have stood up to Tarek. Things would have gone down differently. In the vision, West was arguing with Tarek, who was still the leader. West was pissed off that Tarek made him fight for you, Raven. He said that he had already earned the right when he told them where to find us.”

She gasps. “Find us?”

I nod. “He said that Tarek had promised that West could mate with you and that he would be allowed to kill me if West gave Tarek information on how to find us. He gave away our location so that he could get you as a mate. At that point, I’d seen enough. I saw red and went after West. I still couldn’t kill him, though.” I shake my head. “Even though he deserved it. I’m sorry.” I see hurt cloud her features.

“Fucking asshole!” Maddox says from the door. His eyes are blazing. “I can’t believe it… Actually, I can… No! Fuck! I can’t fucking believe West would do that to us…to you.” He looks my way before walking into the room, shaking his head. “What the hell is wrong with him?”

“I do believe you, but…” She’s deep in thought. “That can’t be right,” Raven says, shaking her head in disbelief. “Lance…the guy I kicked in the privates. He told me it was he who had asked to mate with me. He tried to talk me into sleeping with him when I was taken the second time. He told me Tarek wouldn’t be happy if I had another shifter’s scent on me when I was already promised. That I would be punished. He offered to fix it. That’s how he put it.” Raven snorts in disgust. “I told him it would be a cold day in hell before I had sex with him, that I would fight a mating with him.” She pushes out a breath. “It doesn’t make sense. Why would Lance say that if it was West?” She locks eyes with me.

I don’t like that Raven doesn’t believe me. It makes me think that she might still have feelings for West. Even after everything. “My vision was very clear,” I tell Raven. “West gave us up – all of us – in order to get you as a mate. I know it.”

“Maybe I can clear things up regarding Lance,” Maddox says. “That guy is a loser. Always was. I know he was always sniffing around you when you were younger. I was grateful you always turned him down, because he’s the biggest liar. He would say just about anything to get into a girl’s pants. I’m talking hardcore bullshit. He was probably lying. Hoping to score. West is making more sense to me. The way West acted…makes more sense to me,” Maddox says. “West only became angry when Stephan got back. Before that, he was calm, even though he knew Raven had been abducted. Now that I think about it, too calm, considering Raven was gone. Also, he didn’t react much when you mentioned Tarek forcing her to mate with someone from the weyr. He should have lost his mind. The only way he would’ve stayed so calm was if he knew that the mate was going to be him.”

“I can’t believe this.” Raven looks shocked.

“He reacted harshly when he saw you because he despises you Stephan. He went fucking ballistic when he scented Raven on you. When he figured out that the two of you had slept together. Also, some of the things he said to Tarek. The disbelief, when Tarek forced the two of you to fight. Tarek told West that he’d changed his mind. West was shocked and pissed off because Tarek was going back on

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