Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,81

he’s also kind and sweet. I like that he has a softer side. I like how introverted he is. It’s funny how all of these things I love and admire might end up being his downfall.

West, on the other hand, is going at Stephan hard. There is no hesitation. No mercy. I hate him right now. I cringe as another fist hits home. Stephan is still struggling after taking a punch to the groin. I can see it from the way he’s moving. West is using it to his full advantage!

Stephan’s left eye is almost shut. His nose is bleeding. I think it’s broken. His lip is cut and bleeding too. He looks terrible. I’m trembling. I don’t want to watch anymore, but I can’t turn away.

West has one bruise on his right cheek. That’s all! He’s toying with Stephan. He’s making him bleed before he brings him down…before…

I stifle a sob.

West lands another hard strike, and Stephan almost goes down. “No!” I yell. “Fight, Stephan! Please fight!” I shout.

West glares at me. He looks hurt, but he mostly looks angry. He gives a small shake of the head like he can’t believe I’m not on his side. I see his eyes narrow, and his jaw tighten. I see his body tense, his muscles grow. He goes after Stephan, hell for leather.

I think I’ve made things worse. I try once again to break free. If I can get to the men, maybe I can talk sense into them. If all else fails, I can somehow try to protect Stephan. I can’t believe this is happening.

Jarrod is shouting. I can’t hear what he is saying over my own screams. Maddox and Zale are holding him back. Tarek will have him killed if he tries to intervene. I don’t think Jarrod realizes just how bad Tarek is.

Stephan staggers and falls onto one knee. His breathing is ragged. Blood spatters onto the ground at his feet. I’m screaming harder. West closes the distance between him and Stephan. I expect him to finish it. To kick and beat the last of Stephan’s life out of him before…beheading him with his bare hands. I’ve seen this outcome. Where is the ocean? Where is the fucking tide? This can’t be right!

I’m crying. Tears are streaming down my face. I’m also begging. I don’t think West can hear me. I start to scream again as he leans forward.

West gets down on one knee too. For a moment, I am hopeful he’s going to stop this madness. That he’ll put his hand up and stop the fight. I’m hopeful, but I don’t hold my breath. West isn’t evil. He’s lost. He’s so filled with anger he can’t see straight. He can’t feel anything else. It’s no excuse. I’m done making excuses for him.

“Please, West!” I shout. I shout the words over and over. I’m begging him. He can’t do this.

West goes in close. He clasps his hand around the back of Stephan’s head, holding onto him. I think Stephan groans. I can’t see his face. West puts his mouth almost against Stephan’s ear. He says something to Stephan. I can’t make out what he’s saying. I realize that I haven’t stopped sobbing and screaming.

What happens next is a surprise. Stephan headbutts West with a loud crack. West falls back. His eyes widening in shock. Blood streams down his face. He lands on his back but doesn’t stay there.

Stephan seems to have found a reserve of energy. I’m not sure if it was what West said or if Stephan planned to take the advantage if one presented itself. Both West and Stephan are rushing to get to their feet. Stephan is on his knees, while West is on the floor. Stephan is up first. I’m not sure where he gets this sudden strength from. He kicks West square in the jaw as he is leaping up. There is another cracking sound. Louder this time. West howls. Stephan might have been holding back before but not anymore.

I now have to watch the man I have feelings for kill the man I used to love. Someone I still consider a friend. I put a hand over my face. I’m still crying. I still can’t stop watching, even though I want to. I’ve never felt so hopeless and frustrated in all my life.

Stephan tears into West. He kicks him while he is down. Not just once either… Two…three…four times. I hear more cracking as ribs break. I think his arm breaks too.

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