Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,70

a step towards me and sniffs again. “That doesn’t smell like West.”

Shit! We have distinct scent markers. There’s no doubt in my mind that Lance knows I recently had sex. That he also knows it wasn’t with West.

I try to stay calm. This feels off in so many ways. I don’t say anything. It’s ultimately none of his business. I want him to turn around and walk away.

“Did you guys break up or something? You seemed tight.”

“Where is this going?” I have no more time for this. I need him gone. Now!

Lance smiles. “I’ve always loved that spark in you. I think you get it from your mother.”

“What do you want?” I push out, my voice hard. I fold my arms. I take a stance that makes me look like I’m more in control than I actually am. This could turn messy quickly. I don’t like the vibes he’s giving.

Lance is a big guy. “Easy.” He holds up his hand. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Only someone thinking less-than-above-board thoughts would say something like that. I’m getting nervous. My hands are starting to feel clammy.

“As I said,” he continues, “I like you…always have and always will. You’re safe with me, Raven-girl. Very safe.”

Again, why does he feel the need to say that if it’s true?

“I’m sure you’re wondering who offered to mate with you.” He smiles broadly.

Oh, shit!


“Don’t tell me it’s you, Lance. You’ve always wanted children. You spoke about it.”

“You remember our talks?” His whole face lights up. “Because I do…I’ll admit that I do want kids, but I want you more.”

“I don’t love you.” I shake my head.

He shrugs. “It’s like most couples in our weyr…the love will come once we are together. I’m sure of it. I know I’ll be able to convince Tarek to let us have children. We might have to wait, but I’m okay with that.”

“It won’t happen. He won’t change his mind. Tarek was very clear.”

“Don’t be so negative. What I really want right now is to show you how good we can be together.” His eyes dip to my chest.

“No.” I shake my head. “Please leave.” I’m glad my arms are still folded because my hands are shaking.

“Come on now, Raven-girl…it’s a matter of hours before it’s official, might as well—” He takes a step towards me.

“I said no!” I throw the words at him.

“Tarek won’t like the scent of that filthy male on you. He won’t like it one bit. I hate it,” he growls the words, his eyes turning hard. I note that he keeps his voice down. “Let me help you with that. I can scent that you had sex recently. I’m sure you might even still be wet. It won’t take much to…”

I can see how hard he’s getting. His manhood is out there. Right out there. I keep my eyes on his. I’m struggling to keep my breathing under control. I need to keep my cool.

“I will tell Tarek if you force yourself on me before we are mated.” In this disgusting weyr, all bets are off once the ceremony has taken place. Men may do almost what they like to their mates. I have some power until then. I intend to use it.

He snorts. “I would never force myself on a woman. By tomorrow you’ll be mine. I just wish you’d—”

“No! There’s the door.” I point. “I’m going to contest this mating until I’m blue in the face.”

“No one else will have you, Raven.”

I immediately think of Stephan. I can’t help it. He wouldn’t see me as something to have…a possession…a thing. He doesn’t see me as less because I’m a woman or because of my ability to see the future. “That’s where you’re wrong, Lance.”

His jaw tightens for a moment. “I’m going to petition to mate you as soon as possible. I might just go to Tarek right now.”

“I will fight this. I will fight you. I don’t love you. I never will. If you force this, I will end up hating you. Think about that. Think about the life we’ll have.”

“I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

“You sure about that? You won’t be able to so much as close your eyes when you’re around me. Sharp objects in the house…not going to be possible. I’ll spend every waking moment devising ways to kill you.”

“You’ll be sentenced to death if you so much as lay a finger on me.” He looks perturbed.

“I don’t care! What kind of a life would I have? Leave

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