Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,50

Raven is small for a dragon. But then she’s petite in her human form; nothing has changed. Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

Another deep rumble comes from inside my chest. It’s a rumble of approval.

She makes a purring noise. Then she spreads her wings and takes to the sky. I follow suit. Raven might be small, but she’s fast. I have to work to keep up with her. Then again, her body is sleek and light, whereas I’m huge and weighty.

It feels so good to be out here. To feel the wind under my wings. To stretch my muscles. To beat my wings and to fly…to fly.


Raven does a twirl and then freefalls. I follow her. She makes a noise that is the dragon equivalent of laughing. I do the same. It’s wonderful…it’s amazing…it’s—

There is a sharp pain on my wings, and I am freefalling. I see large, dark shapes. Several of them…too many of them. They’re closing in on Raven. I should see better than I am. Why can’t I see well? Why am I falling?

What is going on?

I try to say her name, but my throat won’t work. I can’t form words. Not in my dragon form. I screech a warning just as I hit the ground…hard. I feel bones break. Excruciating pain shoots through every part of me. I hear Raven screech. She’s still in the sky above. The sound is filled with fear. That, and anger.

Get away!


Please get away.

I slump down. I can scent blood. I think it’s mine. Then I am pulled under. I try, but I can’t fight it. My injuries are too severe.



“What do you want with me?” I shout, trying to pull free from the ropes tying my arms together. My heart is thumping hard in my chest. All I can think about is Stephan. My throat clogs as a sob threatens to break free.


Where is he? What happened to him? I heard him screech a warning. I saw him crash to the ground in a heap of broken limbs. I saw him lying there. My first instinct was to fly to him. That’s when they surrounded me. I tried to flee, but it was too late. I was captured. “Why am I here? Let me go!” I struggle once again against my bonds. At least they didn’t tie my feet. That’s something, I guess. At least I am able to stand and look this bastard in the eyes.

“That’s insolence child,” Tarek says. “You should not speak to an elder in that fashion. To your leader. I am a man. You are a woman. You need to learn respect. It has always been your downfall, Raven.”

I half expect him to beat his chest or to hit me over the head and drag me into a cave. I roll my eyes. “You kidnapped me. I’m here against my will. I do not have to adhere to your rules.”

“You are a child of this weyr.” Tarek is at least seventy…maybe older. He looks to be in his thirties. One of the perks of being a dragon shifter – we age much slower. He has dark, short-cropped hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He is a pompous asshole. Although, that’s putting it mildly. He’s been leader of this weyr for as long as I can remember. It was his father before that. Another pompous asshole, if the stories are to be believed.

“I left,” I say. “I made the choice to no longer be a part of this weyr and your crazy rules and regulations. I want to leave right now. Untie me.”

He smiles. “You can’t just leave. It doesn’t work that way. You are joined to us by blood.”

“I don’t want to be here.” I feel tears well but tamp them down. I won’t let him see me cry.

“You will learn to accept your new life here. You will be happy, my child.”

“What new life?” I throw at him.

He looks at me for a long while. “There is someone who wants to take you as a mate, even though you are well over the age of taking. Even though you are afflicted.”

“What?” I can’t believe what I am hearing. “Take me as a mate?” I whisper to myself.

“Yes, child. You will be mated, but I’m afraid that I can’t condone any children.”

“I don’t want to get married…” I frown. “Who wants to mate with me?” I wrack my brain, but can’t think of a single person in this weyr. My ability to see the future is

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