Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,29

Get her one of those studded collars.”

“No,” Raven says. “A diamond collar…fake, of course. A diamond collar would look amazing against her dark fur.”

“No collars.” Rage shakes his head. “The dog isn’t staying. Wish it had a microchip,” he mutters to himself. “So, you’re the son of Ares?” Rage asks Maddox, doing such a one-eighty he gives all of us whiplash.

I want to roll my eyes and groan. Rage isn’t one for subtlety.

Maddox frowns. “I am.” He folds his arms as if to say, ‘what of it?’

“I am too,” Rage says. I watch as Maddox’s mouth falls open.

“Sorry, what?” he finally asks.

“I’m also the son of Ares,” Rage says.

“Holy freaking shit!” Raven mutters. “Are you serious? You both have the same father? As in…?”

Rage nods once, eyes still on Maddox. “It seems the gods had their fun on more than one occasion.”

Raven has covered her mouth with her hand. She mutters ‘oh my gosh!’ several times. The others have wide eyes. Everyone looks shocked.

No one says anything for a while. Then Raven asks, “You’re related?”

“Not just related,” I say.

“Half-brothers?” Zale chimes in, pushing out a breath through his nose.

“Brothers?” Maddox’s bronzed skin has turned ashen. He is shaking his head like he can’t believe what he is hearing.

“Looks that way,” Rage says, not quite as pale as before.

I see Maddox narrow his eyes, scrutinizing Rage. “Yeah…I guess I see a resemblance.” He swallows thickly.

“Should we go and wash those dishes?” Raven says to West.

“No. Not right now,” he answers, eyes still on Rage.

“West!” He looks her way, and she gives him a dirty look. “Right now! Let’s give them some space.” She widens her eyes.

“Oh,” West says. “Dishes…right.”

“I’ll help,” Zale adds.

“Me too,” Barrett blurts right after.

Jarrod and I look at one another. “We’ll put them away?” I shrug.

“You don’t all need to pretend to do the dishes. My dog needs a walk,” Rage says. “Want to come?” he asks Maddox.

“I thought she wasn’t yours?” Maddox asks, still looking shell-shocked.

“She’s not!” He points at the Doberman. “Don’t get any ideas, dog,” he says. “I’m responsible for him…her, just until I get a chance to drop her off. I guess I’m still hoping someone claims her. Let’s go,” he says more to the dog than to Maddox. The Doberman gets up and is at Rage’s heel as he walks towards the back door.

“So, do you enjoy sports?” Maddox asks as he strides after Rage.

“I like to fight,” Rage answers. “Keeps me…calm.”

“What about football?”

“I’m not into football. I hate small-talk,” Rage mutters. “That’s the first thing you should know about me.”

“Okay, good to know.” The door clicks shut, and they walk over the deck and into the garden.

“I can’t believe this,” Raven gushes. “Maddox and Rage are brothers. My brother has a brother.” She shakes her head. Her big, green eyes are wide in thought.

“Are there any more of us related to…anyone else in your group?” West asks, eyes brimming with wariness.

“What group?” I say. “I don’t believe we mentioned a group.”

“There are more of you.” Zale scrubs a hand over his face. “Don’t try to deny it.”

“There have to be more,” West goes on. “Just be honest. Are there more?” He looks hopeful. “Do the rest of us have siblings we don’t know about?” He widens his stance. “We deserve to know.” He narrows his eyes on mine.

“In short, yes,” I say. They do deserve to know. I agree with West on this one.

“Who else then?” West growls, his jaw tightening.

“We can’t say right now,” Jarrod answers.

“That’s bull!” he growls, his eyes are blazing. His hands are once again tight fists, aggression bleeding out of every pore. “Tell us!”

“Calm down, please,” Raven says, touching his arm.

There it is again, a hit of jealousy courses through my system as I see her hand on his skin. Fuck! I hardly know her, and I’m feeling this way. It’s stupid! I need to stop this shit.

“You’ll know soon enough,” Jarrod says. “We won’t keep you waiting. One step at a time.” He glances at me.

“I think we should say something more,” I say. “They deserve to know. I would be going out of my head.”

West glowers at me. Like he both hates me and is thankful for me sticking up for them, all rolled into one. He won’t admit as much. I’m cool with that.

Jarrod nods once. He’s giving me the go-ahead to tell them. “I guess you’re right. I would be losing my mind.”

“Barrett, you look a lot like one of the members of

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