Lord of Destiny (The Dragon Demigods #6) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,21

understand that.”

Maddox takes my hands. “I do understand. More than you think. I don’t want Stephan getting hurt either. If you sleep with him…there’s a good chance of that happening.”

I feel a shiver run through me as memories of my vision return.


Maddox narrows his eyes. “You okay?” He looks into my eyes, searching.

“Yes. I’m fine.” I force a smile.

Maddox lets go of my hands. “Are you sure?” He scrutinizes me.

I nod. “I think Stephan can take care of himself. I think we need to stop coddling West.” I pull in a deep breath. “I feel sorry for him. Of course I do, but...it’s time he straightened himself out.”

“You feel sorry for him… Why can’t you forgive him, then? He loves you, Raven.”

I feel everything in me tighten.

Maddox puts up a hand. “Forget I said anything. I’m sorry. It’s just that,” his gaze softens, “you guys were so good together. I never thought anything would come between you.”

“West and I are finished. I don’t have those kinds of feelings for him anymore. The funny thing is, I don’t think he loves me in that way anymore either. He’s become fixated on me, which is something different.” I shrug.

“I don’t know so much.” Maddox shakes his head. “One thing I can tell you is that the shit will hit the fan if you fuck around with Stephan.”

“Do you think there are more of them?” I am genuinely curious, but I’m also trying to change the subject. I’m glad when it works.

“Without a doubt. I’m going to be protective of you while we’re here. I can’t help it. I’m not trying to run your life. We’re family, Raven. If it were up to me, we’d share a room.”

“I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself. Besides, I don’t get bad vibes from them.”

Maddox frowns. “You don’t know what his powers are.”

“I do. He told us he can—”

“We only know what he told us. They’re withholding information. I know they are.” Although Maddox is still whispering, he’s more animated. “I don’t like it. Be careful, Raven. Promise me!”

“I will.” I touch the side of my brother’s arm. “I promise. Our car will be fixed in a few days. We’ll be out of here before anyone knows we were in Newfolk.”

“I saw some pictures on social media,” Maddox says. “Pictures of West fighting Rage. There’s a picture of you throwing in the towel. I don’t like it.”

“I don’t like it either. They were looking for us when we first left, but I don’t think they are anymore.” I want to believe it. I want to so badly that it makes me vibrate inside. I’m so sick of running. I’m so tired.

“I think you’re wrong.” Maddox has always seen the glass as half-empty. “They don’t know she died. Then there’s you.”

I feel pain blossom; my throat clogs for a moment. I wait for the unwanted emotions coursing through me to pass. “They don’t give a shit about me. I think we’ll be okay for a few days. It might be nice to just…relax. To put our feet up. Take a swim or a walk in the garden. How long since you sniffed a rose?”

Maddox chuckles softly. “Never.”

“It’s about time you tried it, then.” I laugh as well. “My point being, let’s enjoy this while we can.” I gesture around the room. “We’ll leave soon enough. I’m sure we’ll be okay.”

Maddox doesn’t look convinced. “Yeah…we can’t get too comfortable, though, Raven. We need to stay on our guard and look out for each other. That includes West. He’s one of us.”

I nod. “You’re right.”

“I’m always right.” He grins at me. I can see the sadness in his eyes, lurking just below the surface.

“You wish!” We both laugh, but our voices are a little too shrill. I’m hugging myself, and Maddox’s hands are clenched. I wonder if we’ll ever be able to settle down. Live our lives and just be. Maybe at some point in the future.

Not now!

It’s still too soon.



I can’t sleep.

The bed is comfortable. Dinner was great, but I keep thinking about the day we had. Everything that happened. I haven’t had a chance to apologize to Stephan or to thank him for helping us. He disappeared into his workroom all afternoon. When he finally came out, we all chipped in to make dinner. Stephan ate with us but hardly said two words. Half an hour later, he was gone. When he said he had a deadline to work on, he wasn’t joking around.

I’ve heard

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