Wolfe's Hope(5)

He narrowed his eyes on her.

“You will need no clothes until you tell me the plans the Bitch has made for me and my Pack and how damaging the information is that she has on our whereabouts,” he told her, his voice hateful, cold and hard.

Hope swallowed past the knot of betrayal in her throat.

“I don’t know any of her plans,” she whispered. “I didn’t even know you were alive until you kidnapped me. She hasn’t spoken your name in all these years until she called this morning and asked if I had seen you.”

“Wrong answer.” He lifted a knife from the bedside table and cut her bra away. “Try again.”

Hope was silent. She stared up at the ceiling, fighting to breathe through her pain as he cut her jeans and panties from her body next. She had no clothes now, no pride.

She prayed for detachment, but when his hand cupped her between her legs, two fingers burying into her damp slit, she was unable to stop her needy cry or the arch of her body.

“Your pu**y is so wet, so slick for me,” he growled. “Tell me, sweet Hope, did you get this wet for the men who have f**ked you since I marked you as my own?”

His voice was rough and angry, but his touch was gentle, arousing. She felt her juices flow over his fingers, her cunt contracting painfully with the need for release.

“There have been no other men,” she said, fighting to breathe through the intense sensations whipping through her body. “I swear it, Wolfe.”

His fingers parted the folds of her cunt, then she felt a wailing cry shatter her body as the two fingers slid deep and easily into her vagina. They stretched her, filled her, making her hungry cunt clasp them desperately. But there was no obstruction.


“Where is your virginity, Hope?” He was lodged deep inside her now, and he had met no resistance. “I will not punish you for the betrayal of your body. I know the games that bitch mother of yours plays. But if you do not tell me how she plans to strike against the Pack, then I will punish you, and I will not stop until you give me what I want.” He pulled back, then thrust inside her firmly once again.

Hope lost her breath. It was such near bliss. Pleasure arced over her body, through it; lightning heated her skin as she strained toward the building pressure centered at his tormenting fingers.

“I swear to you, Wolfe. I swear, she hasn’t told me anything,” Hope panted, her head twisting on the pillows, her hips fighting to drive his fingers inside her again.

“How can I believe you, beloved?” he questioned her gently. “You will not even admit to the loss of your virginity. Lies spill from your lips like honeyed caresses on a heated night.”

A tear spilled from her eye. She stared resolutely at the ceiling above her, fighting her pleas, but she couldn’t still her body as easily. Her hips jerked as his fingers thrust slowly inside her cunt once again. The biting pleasure/pain from the smooth thrust was like fiery fingers of near ecstasy. Damn him, he knew what he was doing; she could hear it in his controlled breathing, feel it in the tormenting thrusts inside her.

“I’m not your beloved.” She shook her head, fighting not to beg. “I’m nothing to you.”

Silence greeted her words. His fingers stilled inside her, then slid free.

“Why would you say such a thing?” he asked her harshly, angrily.

Hope glanced at him in surprise. He was frowning down at her, his expression dark, confused at her feelings, as though his actions spoke differently. As though he were loving her rather than punishing her. Not that her body knew the difference right at that moment.

“How could I believe otherwise,” she whispered. “I’m supposedly your mate, but when those fires swept through the compound, you didn’t come for me. Afterward, you never gave me so much as a sign that you lived. I was nothing to you, Wolfe, until you thought I had something you needed. Until you couldn’t stay away from me any longer.”

And that hurt most of all. She had spent six years in pain, physical as well as emotional. Her nightmares were those of the months she was with him at the lab. Seeing him beaten, seeing her mother take pleasure in marring his body, ridiculing the honor that was such a part of him. It had infuriated the doctor that he refused to rape the women brought to him for breeding. That he would not perform for her sadistic pleasures. But what enraged her mother more thoroughly was the fact that she couldn’t break him, no matter how hard she tried.

“Why?” she asked him desperately. “Why didn’t you come for me, Wolfe?”

He didn’t speak; rather he trailed his moist fingers from her cunt, along her abdomen, then ringed her hardened ni**les with the juices from her body. Hope felt her face flush as he watched her. Her ni**les were throbbing for attention now. Her clit felt swollen, desperate; she could barely breath she was so aroused.

“You are all that truly matters to me,” he whispered regretfully, his gaze meeting hers hesitantly. “Since you were seventeen years old, staring up at me with big, innocent blue eyes, you have been my world.”

Her throat tightened in pain. He sounded so sincere, so deeply honest that she wanted nothing more than to believe in him. And she knew suddenly that it was how he felt as well. He wanted to believe, but the lies her mother had set in motion made that impossible.

“Then why didn’t you come for me?” she asked, then cried out in such sensual arousal she felt faint as he brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting her juices with a growl of hungry need.

“Your taste makes me hungry for more, sweet Hope,” he told her, his voice dark, throbbing with sexual intensity.

“Wolfe, I’ll beg you, if that’s what you want,” she whimpered. “Please don’t do this to me. Fuck me and get it over with, or don’t touch me. Please. I swear to you, you’re making a mistake.”