Wicked Pleasure(4)

“You’re not staying here.” He backed her against the front of the truck, lifting her until he was wedged fully against her, his hands sliding beneath the skirt to the bare flesh revealed by the thong she wore.

No, she wasn’t staying here. She stared into his eyes, instinct clashing with feminine need and fear, until she fought to breathe through the sensations racing through her.

The party was a catalyst, nothing more. It always had been—since that first party, when she was sixteen. He was the dark visage that moved from the shadows, caught her wrist, and dragged her from the date she had arrived with, and had made certain she never stayed.

He had taken her home that night. Tonight, he would take her to his home. Since she was thirteen and found him in that truck at the back of her father’s land, Cam had been her protector in ways he had never been before.

He pulled her to his pickup, unlocked the passenger door, and lifted her to the seat. Before she could turn forward, one hand slid into her hair, the other clamped to her hip, and he was staring at her. His gaze bored into hers, the tension building until Jaci felt as though it would eat her alive.

“My house or your parents’?” his voice was hard, demanding.

There was no question of which.

“Yours.” She had waited too long, fantasized for too many years.

No sooner had the words left her than his lips covered hers. Possessive, demanding. He made no concessions, no apologies. His tongue stroked into her mouth, nudged against hers and in those seconds she learned more about a kiss than she had learned in her entire life.

She learned a kiss could burn from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. That it could slam into her womb, convulse it and release inside her a hunger for more that she didn’t know she was capable of.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her head tilted to his, mewling cries leaving her lips as he nipped at them, sucked them, then pressed against them once again.

He kissed her like he was dying for her taste and hers alone. He kissed her with an experience, a knowledge worlds away from hers.

When he pulled back, she stared up at him, dazed and uncertain and wanting so much more.

“You know what coming home with me means?” he asked her then. “Everything it means?”

She nodded. Oh yes, she knew what it would mean. She wouldn’t be tossing alone in her own bed. She would be in his bed, beneath his hard body.

“Everything, Jaci?” His fingers tightened in her hair as he jerked her closer, his thighs spreading hers, her skirt riding up until the hard proof of his arousal pressed dead center between her thighs.

“Everything,” she gasped.

He could have her here, right here in the front seat of his pickup, if that was what he wanted. Whatever he wanted. She was dying for more, primed for it.

“You shouldn’t have come here tonight.” His fingers caressed her cheek, his expression darkening. “Any night but tonight.”

“But I knew you would be here tonight,” she answered. “I came for you, Cam. I always come for you.”

He grimaced, a hard flex of his expression as his hands slid to her thighs, curved on the bare flesh and his h*ps pressed harder against her.

Jaci felt her lashes droop, sexual weakness filling her, pumping through her. A drugged awareness of the fact that he was more man than she could handle, but the only man she wanted.

“Get in there before I end up f**king you here.” He jerked back, slid her around on the leather seat and slammed the door.

He didn’t drive sedately back to the house he shared with his brother on the other side of town. He took the back roads with a speed that should have been reckless, but instead felt controlled.

He handled the vehicle the same way he had handled her earlier. With confidence and determination, he drove the truck into the twocar garage where he drew it to a stop and cut the motor.

He wasn’t giving her a chance to change her mind. He turned, opened his door, and stepped out before reaching back for her. Lifting her against his hard body, her toes barely touching the floor, his lips stole her kiss, and stole her senses.

His lips devoured hers, his tongue slid past them, licked against her tongue and danced over it as she strained to get closer. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on tight, lost in a sea of such incredible sensations that she never wanted to emerge from it.

Her senses were tossed amid the lust burning out of control between the two of them, but there was more, she thought. There was a lifetime of waiting, of knowing this was coming. Years of saving herself for this one night, for this one man.

One arm remained around her back while the other gripped the side of her rear, holding her against him as he walked, maybe stumbled a bit to the door that led into the house. Her eyes were closed and desperate mewls of pleasure were echoing from her throat.

His hand clenched on her butt as he braced her against a wall. She didn’t even know which room they had stepped into.