Wicked Pleasure(26)

The effect he had on her hadn’t dimmed. Maybe it had grown stronger, because she could feel the intent behind that look, could almost feel his possession from the night before, even now.

“I’m still so hard for you, I can barely walk.”

The words stole the strength from her legs. She gripped the edge of the desk and stared back at him as she fought to regulate her breathing.

There was no regulating it. She could feel her br**sts heaving, and she knew he could see his effect on her.

“Well, isn’t that too bad?” she spat bitterly. “See, I don’t believe in three strikes. As far as I’m concerned, strike one and you’re gone. Too bad so sad, hate it for you, Cam.”

His lips parted, his lashes lowered as he stared back at her. She could feel the intent behind the look, and the reminder of the effect those lips had on her. And then he smiled.

“I’m going to spank you until you come. Then, sweet Jaci, I’m going to kiss it all better,” he promised, and the promise sent a shower of heat exploding through the tender flesh between her legs.

She felt the dampness growing, her cl*t swelling, even her ni**les were so sensitive she could barely stand the lace bra that covered them.

“Don’t do this to me,” she finally whispered, releasing her hold on the desk and backing up. “You can’t even tolerate sharing a bed with me, and I can’t deal with that. If you ever cared anything for me, stay away from me before you really hurt me. Now, unlock that damned door and let me out of here.”

He reached beneath the desk, and a second later, the sound of the lock releasing echoed through the room. His expression hadn’t changed; if anything, his gaze was darker, hotter. There was nothing cold in his face now. It was heated with sensual promise and male demand.

She jerked her briefcase from where it had fallen to the floor and strode quickly to the door on shaking legs.

“Tell Courtney I’ll be back in the morning.” She didn’t turn as she jerked the door open. “Good-bye Cam.”

She left the office, and seconds later she left the house. Ian’s limo was waiting outside the door, the driver opening the door for her with instructions that he was to take her to her hotel. It beat a cab.

She stepped into the luxurious vehicle and breathed out a trembling sigh of relief as the door closed behind her. Seconds later, she was heading to her hotel, alone.

As alone as she had ever been, and hating it more than she ever had.


“Ya know, you’re the dumbest bastard I think I’ve ever seen.” Chase stepped out from behind Cam, watching the limo, as it drove through the gates, leaving the Sinclair estate and taking beautiful Jaci Wright away.

Chase had heard their conversation. It was his job to tape it and to secure the disc the recording was on. He doubted either of them were aware of what the disc revealed, though. A male and female, each eating the other with their eyes, hunger and torment reflected in their gazes.

Their expressions had shown a variety of emotions. Cool hauteur, cold arrogance, irritation, mockery, and pure anger. It was amusing to watch, but the eyes hadn’t changed.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” Cam muttered, and Chase almost laughed at the irritation in his brother’s voice. There were few things that could piss Cam off anymore, but from the moment they had first begun Jaci’s file, Cam had seethed with possessive male fury.

“The worst thing we can do is leave her alone.” Chase rocked back on his heels and watched as the limo drove out of sight. “Since you’re determined to hold back as you always do, though, maybe I could just continue the seduction myself. You obviously have no clue.”

Cam felt his teeth grit at the thought. Jaci’s expression when she realized she had slammed into him had pierced his soul like an arrow. Her wide eyes as innocent, as filled with pain, as they had been seven years ago, had stared back at him for one, unguarded moment. Arousal and pain and the memory of the pleasure that had bound them the night before reflected from them.

“Let her go for tonight,” he ordered his brother, an unfamiliar spike of possessiveness resounding through him.

“Women like Jaci shouldn’t be given too much time to think,” Chase told him. “They get odd ideas, start thinking about protecting their hearts, and off they run. She’s ready to run.”

“She’s not going anywhere.” He would see to it.

“I don’t know, Cam . . .”

“I’ll take care of it.” He didn’t need Chase for this. Jaci was his fight and his alone.

“Like you did in Oklahoma? Like you did last night and this morning?” Chase questioned with amused condescension in his voice.

“I said I’ll take care of it.” Cam turned on him, barely restraining the anger burning inside him.

Chase smiled back at him. Cam could see his amusement, the fact that his anger didn’t faze him. Not a lot fazed Chase. He rolled with whatever life threw at him, and he did it with the flash of that knowing smile—the same one he was flashing Cam now.