Wicked Intent(7)

His eyes were assessing and filled with an outright challenge.

“Hmm. Maybe.” His lips tilted into a sexually knowing grin. “But isn’t that all a part of the fun?” He lowered his arms from the bench and braced his elbows on his knees. Leaning forward as he was now, he was much too close to her; the small gazebo seemed filled with him, the sexual tension heightening unbearably.

Hard, calloused hands settled on the sides of her knees, his thumbs smoothing over the sensitive, silk-covered flesh. Tally’s gaze fell to those large, competent hands. It was much too easy to imagine them on her skin.

“I want to f**k you, Tally. So bad it’s like a hunger. You’ve flitted around and teased us for a year, determined to control every step of this little dance we’ve been involved in. Haven’t you learned yet? There’s no control here.”

Tally narrowed her eyes at the challenge. Drawing in a slow, deep breath, she leaned forward, noticing rather smugly the small flare of surprise in his gaze as her hands ran up his arms, her nails dragging over the hard, muscular flesh of his biceps. She felt him tighten, his knees shifting as he moved forward, enclosing her legs within his as she stared back at him.

“There’s always control.” She blew a soft breath over his lips as they parted, only slightly. “It all depends on the control you’re seeking.”

Her hands moved from his shoulders to the buttons of his shirt. She undid the first, then the second, spreading the material enough to allow her hands to lay flush against the heat of his chest.

The glitter of battle entered his eyes then. “You could be biting off more than you can chew, kitten,” he whispered as her nails flexed against the hard muscle beneath them. “I’m not the least bit afraid of an indecency charge.”

He wouldn’t be, she thought silently. But as she had told him, it was all in who controlled it and how.

She leaned closer, her tongue peeking out to lick her lips, but glancing his lower one instead as his gaze sharpened with sexual heat.

“Would you give up control, Devril?” she asked him as his hands moved to her waist, his fingers gripping her lightly. “Would you allow me to do whatever I wished, whenever I wished?”

All she needed was the promise. She leaned forward a bit more, her teeth catching the temptation of his lip and nipping at it gently.

His hands tightened further.

“How much pleasure can you take, Dev, before your control breaks?”

Her hands slid down his chest, nails rasping as his eyes suddenly narrowed. There was no warning. There was no teasing, no asking permission. Before she could evade him he had her across his lap, one hand tangled in the long strands of her hair, tilting her head back as his lips claimed hers.

He devoured her. His tongue pressed past her lips as the sharp flare of heat at her scalp had her gasping in pleasure. It was so decadent, the thrill she received from hard fingers gripping and pulling at her hair as his lips moved expertly, heatedly over hers.

There were kisses and then there was a conquering. This kiss conquered. His tongue opened her lips, pressed forward and claimed her mouth as though it were created for him alone. And her mouth was in ready agreement.

A moan tore from her throat as fierce, alternating sensations swept through her body; the dominance of his lips and tongue taking what he wanted, his hands, one tangled in her long hair, the other splayed against her lower back as he held her close in his grip, the heat of his chest, his cock, hard and insistent beneath her ass. She wiggled against the heavy erection, thrilling to the hard male groan that vibrated against her lips.

Had she thought he had control? Of her, perhaps, but not of his desires. His lips ravaged hers, but they didn’t mind. His tongue tangled with hers in a masterful stroke, but it had no objections. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, hands holding tight, her nails digging into his back as she fought to maintain her own control, but she could feel her senses scattering beneath his kiss.

The hand at her back moved, swept over the curve of her ass, down her thigh to the hem of her skirt.

“Son, you go much further and we might have a problem here.”

Tally froze at the amused voice. Her eyes flew open in horror as Dev’s head raised slowly. Lust and heated demand filled his eyes, but the smug curve of his lips spoke for itself.

“Oh. You…” She jumped from his lap, slapping at his hands as they reached out to steady her when she stumbled.

Shame coursed through her as she stared at the park official standing several feet from the gazebo. He had that look of indulgence that other men gave each other. A smirk that made her want to rip their faces from their heads and feed their dicks to the dogs. Infuriating.

“Now, Tally.” The amusement in Devril’s voice was like gas to a fire.

Narrowing her eyes furiously, she ignored the guard. Leaning forward, her hand fisted in Devril’s hair, her lips lowered to his as though in a surge of lust as her knee came down between his thighs.

Her lips were a breath from his when she exerted just the right amount of pressure on the tender, sensitive scrotum just below her kneecap. His eyes widened, his face paling ever so slightly as the guard chuckled behind them.

“Uhh, Tally,” he said hesitantly. “Do you know where your knee is?”

“Ohh baby,” she drawled with seductively heat. “Of course I know where my knee is. Remember, darling, no pain, no gain. Are you sure you want to continue to tempt me in such a way?” She increased the pressure by the slightest degree, watching him swallow tightly.

He cleared his throat, his green eyes watching her cautiously. “Think of all the fun you could miss out on later.”