Wicked Intent(38)

“I agree. Ripping my clothing should be a killable offense.” She cast him a mocking look. “I’ll punish you tonight maybe.”

He opened one eye, staring at her balefully. “Go back to sleep.”

Back to sleep? She had never felt so energized. She pushed at his shoulder, chuckling as he groaned but still rolled over. His c**k was erect, tenting the sheet, a thick invitation to pleasure as she straddled his hard abdomen and stared down at him warningly.

“I hope you were serious last night,” she said softly, aware that Lucian had rolled closer as she felt his lips at her knee, his hand running down her calf. “Try to get away from me and I promise you, I’ll become your worst nightmare.”

She had read about stalkers. She was fairly confident she could do a wonderful imitation.

Dev reached up to tuck trailing strands of her hair behind her shoulder. His smile, normally wicked and provoking, was soft and gentle with emotion.

“Every word,” he told her softly. “Both of us, Tally. Forever.”

Tally swallowed tightly. She was giving so much of herself to these two men. She looked over at Lucian. “What if one of you wants someone else later?”

He looked at her in surprise. “Tally, you’re our heart. You don’t seem to understand, baby, we’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other. And we’ve waited too long for this—for you—to even want or need anyone else.”

How could she not believe them? They watched her, their brilliant eyes filled with their love, their promises.

“What about children?” she finally whispered. “If we have children?”

Lucian shook his head in confusion. “Well, it would be nice.” He smiled slowly. “But what about them?”

She cleared her throat delicately. “You won’t be certain, you know.” She waved her hand expressively. “Who the father is for sure.”

A quick frown on both their faces was leveled at her. But it was male displeasure rather than the regret she thought she would see.

“Any child you have, Tally, is our child. It will never matter which of us fathers it, we’ll both know that possessiveness, that love for a child that is ours. That’s part of our bond, baby, and part of our gift to you.” Dev’s voice was low, deep, filled with emotion as Lucian’s hand caressed her flat abdomen almost reverently.

They took her breath, stole her fears, and for once in her life she believed. Believed that she was loved and that the needs that haunted her, tormented her, would be accepted. She loved them both. Slowly, overwhelmingly, both men had moved into her heart and filled it to overflowing.

“Good.” She glanced down at Lucian, swallowing past the lump of emotion in her throat. Grinning back at her wickedly, he pushed at the bottom edge of her shirt.

“Stop that.” She slapped at his hand and before either of them could stop her, she was off the bed and padding to the bathroom. “I have to get ready and go home before I can go to the office. I’m going to need coffee if neither of you minds. I hope you have a cappuccino machine.” She closed the bathroom door behind her, a pleased smile crossing her face. Life was definitely beginning to look up.

Dev glanced at Lucian as he rolled from the bed, staring at the closed door with a less than pleased glare.

“We’re f**ked,” Lucian said simply. Dev knew he wasn’t referring to the act, but rather the state of dominance they could see would evolve during the less sexual moments of their lives with Tally.

“Hell, let her have fun.” Dev scratched his chest lazily. “She gets too far out of hand and we’ll tie her to the bed again.”

Lucian glanced at his brother mockingly. “Oh, you have no idea the monster we’re going to create.” He shook his head warily. “We’re f**ked, brother. Plain and simple.”

He didn’t sound displeased.

“I’m waiting,” she called out from the bathroom. “Who had back washing duty this morning?”

Lucian looked at Dev as his brother met his gaze. They glanced at the door, each other, and the race was on. They could share during the best of times, but that damned shower didn’t have a chance of holding all three of them. Unfortunately, they both reached the door at the same time.

They sighed together. “Bigger shower for sure,” Lucian said with a grimace as Dev managed to push him back and, smiling smugly, reached the shower first.

Lucian leaned against the doorframe, smiling as Tally’s laughter echoed from the stall. The shadows of his brother and their lover twisted, turned, hands touched, lips met. Arousing and starkly possessive, Dev pressed her to the wall and proceeded to show her who was boss—at least, in the shower.

Life would definitely change for them all, but they had her now, their jaded little consort, ripe for loving and willing to accept the pleasures they could give, the adoration they had saved just for her.

Like the Trojans before them who had found that perfect woman, they would hold her, hide her when they could, watch her in pride when they couldn’t, and protect her as long as they drew breath. Their wicked intentions had paid off when they set their sights on her. And now their hearts, their very souls, would forever bask in the glow of Tally’s smile.
