Wicked Intent(16)

“All very polite and very chilled.” Terrie plopped down on the corner of the bed. “Are you upset over that night with Jesse?”

Tally grinned. Now that had been fun. Seeing Jesse Wyman cuffed to the bed, so horny he was about to explode as she and Terrie tormented him, was a pleasant memory. Knowing it only made him more wary of her made it all the more sweeter. Now there was a man who understood that it just wasn’t wise to tempt her fury.

“No. I’m not upset over that,” she chuckled. “I actually enjoy that deer-in-the-headlights look he gets each time I remind him of it.”

Terrie’s burst of laughter spurred her own.

“Yeah, he’s even more scared of you than he was to start with.” Terrie fell back on the bed, giggling at the thought. “He dares me to even mention it.”

Tally shook her head as she lay back as well, staring up at the ceiling. “That was fun,” she admitted. “It’s even more fun knowing he’s wary now. Perhaps that’s why he refused my request to stop the transfer to Conover’s.” She sighed, admitting she may have shot herself in the foot now.

Terrie breathed out roughly at that. “That wasn’t why.”

Turning her head, Tally watched her questioningly. “Then why?”

Terrie glanced at the door. “You can’t breathe a word that I told you. I don’t think I’m supposed to know.”

Tally rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She waved her hand expressively. “Pinky promise and all that stuff. Now spill.”

“Lucian made it a condition of the merger,” she said softly, as though afraid the walls had ears. “I remember hearing them discuss it one evening before the wedding. Jesse was astonished at the request, until Lucian uhh…” She stifled her laughter.

“What?” Tally could feel her nerves increasing now.

“Well, Lucian informed him quite frankly that if he and Devril didn’t f**k you soon, their dicks were going to rot off from lack of use.” Terrie was fighting to hold back her laughter. “I thought it was hilarious. Then, Jesse made some weird comment about twins and their bonds and they began discussing the merger again. But I sensed an undercurrent there. Lucian isn’t playing, Tally. He intends on sharing you with Devril.”

“Hell.” She stared up at the ceiling again, trying to make sense of why Lucian would go to such lengths to get her in his bed.

“Jesse isn’t telling me much about this,” Terrie told her worriedly. “But I get the impression, Tally, that whatever happens, it won’t be with just one of the brothers. And it won’t be just occasionally, as it is with the others. Jesse makes it sound as though Dev and Lucian will share you permanently.”

That worried Terrie. Tally could see the concern in her friend’s gaze.

“Yes, well, let them plot and plan.” She shrugged as she gave her friend a smile filled with false confidence. “I can handle it, Terrie.”

The thought of both men sharing her, taking her on a daily basis, wasn’t nearly as worrisome as the flare of excitement and mingled possessiveness she was beginning to feel for both of them.

“Tally, can’t you tell me why you’ve been upset with me?” Terrie asked her, suddenly changing the subject, surprising her with the question. “We’ve been friends for so long. I hate having this between us.”

Friendships equaled complications, especially when they were as close as she and Terrie were.

She took a deep breath and turned back to look at her friend. “I’m not upset with you,” she said in resignation. “I’m upset with myself.”

Rising from the bed, Tally glanced at Terrie’s questioning expression before pacing to the high window beside it.

“I came into the office the evening you were there with Jesse and Lucian,” Tally finally said, a wry smile tipping her lips. “I was horribly jealous, you know.”

“Jealous?” Terrie turned back to her at the incredulous question. “Why?”

“Because you were with Lucian,” she said softly, seeing the moment that Terrie realized exactly what she meant.

Terrie blinked in surprise. “You wanted Lucian?”

Tally grimaced lightly at her own admission. “Terribly, I’m afraid,” she said. “But the problem is, Terrie, I know that once I’ve been with him and Devril, I won’t want to let either of them go. I’m a greedy person, I’ve told you this before. They can hurt me,” she said simply.

“Oh. Dear.” Terrie was staring at her in amazement. “Uhh, Tally, are you in love with Lucian and Devril?”

Tally moved to the chair beside the window and sat down heavily. “Perhaps.” She shrugged. “So you see, it’s becoming rather complicated.”

“Pretty surprising to me,” Terrie admitted as she pulled one of the plump pillows from the head of the bed and wrapped her arms around it. “What are you going to do?”