The Man Within(33)

“No.” She finally shook her head as she reached back, tucking the revolver he had given her into the waistband of her jeans. “I’ll deal with him.”

But she didn’t want to. Taber was getting the distinct impression that there was something about her father that literally terrified her now. Before he could question her about it, she was moving gracefully down the stairs, her hand retaining a light grip on the balustrade, her shoulders straight and erect. As regal as a princess and so determined to be strong it brought a lump to his throat, made him want to shelter her that much more.

“Why are you here,Reginald?” She had to raise her voice to be heard over his furious tirade concerning the welfare of his beloved only child. The sound of it made Taber sick. Reginald had aged severely in the time since Taber had last seen him. His dark hair was almost fully gray and thinning. He tried to make up for that fact by growing one side longer than the other and combing it over the opposite side, giving him an off center, clownish appearance. His brown eyes were dull, his cheeks ruddy from drink and overweight. He was barely six feet tall, and not nearly as muscular as he had been even five years before. As Roni stepped into the entry hall, all eyes turned to her. The Feline Breeds filling the marbled entrance to the house were on alert, their hands on their weapons, their eyes sharp and missing not a move that the older man made.

“Roni.”Reginald’s smile was more calculating than loving.

Callan had noticed it as well, if the narrow-eyed look of dislike was anything to go by. Taber watched him closely, seeing the flash of hatred the other man tried to hide as he glanced at his daughter. Taber moved quickly then to insinuate himself betweenReginald and Roni, every instinct inside him screaming out that he protect her from whatever threat her father represented.

Roni stopped as he stepped in front of her, confronting her father rather than allowing her to.

“Taber.” She laid her hand on his arm as he pressed it back, stilling her attempt to move in front of him. At his movement, the others stepped into protective positions as well, their eyes narrowing onReginald, hands now gripping their weapons in preparation.

“Why are you here, Reggie?” Taber didn’t bother with the formalities. Roni was upset, his own instincts were kicking into overdrive, and he would be damned if he would allow it to continue.

“Well, she’s my daughter.”Reginald’s voice softened, but he couldn’t hide the stench of his own lies. He wasn’t there to assure himself of Roni’s safety, which made him an immediate threat to her.

“Fine time to remember that,” Taber growled, making certain to show the canines that he knew would gleam menacingly at the sides of his mouth. He was pleased to see a bit of the ruddy color dim in the other man’s face as he paled at the sight. “I don’t remember it bothering you overmuch before.”

“I can handleReginald, Taber.” Roni pushed at his heavy body, attempting to get him to move aside. There was no going around him as the other Breeds had aligned themselves in a way that would keep her clearly out of the other man’s reach.

“Taber, you should at least let me see my little girl.”Reginald’s voice was too soft, too intentionally non-threatening for Taber’s peace of mind.

“Taber, dammit, I can handle this.” Roni kicked his shin. And it sure as hell wasn’t a love pat. The damned woman had dangerous feet.

He turned back to look at her warningly.

“Don’t you give me that look,” she snapped, frowning back at him in determination. “Get out of my way so I can deal with this, then you can send him packing.”

She was going to kick him again and he knew it, he could see it in her eyes. Damn, he loved it when she got physical with him. He smiled at her. A slow baring of his teeth, a sexual reminder of retaliation. He was pleased to see the slight widening of her eyes, the ripple of response that was barely detectable, the scent of sweet, clean arousal that suddenly bloomed from her body. He stepped back slowly, his arm going behind her, his hand clasping her hip to be sure she stayed close and well out of reach of the threat he was sensing.

“Hmphf. I can see you’re getting along fine.”Reginald couldn’t hide the small telltale hint of vindictive displeasure in his voice. The insult that had Taber flexing his muscles in preparation to take the bastard apart, limb by limb.

“Broke already?” she asked him softly. Her voice was smooth and mocking, but Taber sensed the anger he could feel building inside her.

Reginald grunted. “They burned the house. Your mom’s pictures, the quilts, everything’s gone.”

Roni flinched noticeably. Taber speared the man with a look that promised retribution, a rumbling growl

of warning sounding from his chest. He was deliberately hurting her now, choosing his words carefully, striking where she was most tender.Reginald eyed him warily.

“You used to be nicer than this, Taber,” he sighed as though the reception he was receiving disappointed him.

“And you used to be smarter than this, Reggie,” Taber retorted softly, barely restraining his violence. If only he could figure out why the other man was sending his instincts off the scales, then he would feel more comfortable. “You’ve seen her. She’s fine. You can leave now.”

“Roni, you gonna let them throw me out?”Reginald turned to his daughter, the whine in his voice grating on Taber’s ears. “Things are real tough right now. With our pictures flashing all over the television screens and your association with this…”Reginald paused insultingly, “…man being reported all over the world. I can’t even get a decent job from the old sources anymore.”

The “old sources” no doubt being illegal.

“You should have spent your last payment more wisely,Reginald.” She tried to sound unfeeling, cool under pressure, but Taber could hear the pain in her voice. “This isn’t my home. Mine burned to the ground. Remember? I have no right to determine who stays and who goes.”

Reginald cast Callan a calculating look. “You gonna throw her daddy out on the street? You know how much trouble this has caused me, Callan?”

Callan watched Roni as closely as Taber did.

“You have family,” Roni reminded her father almost desperately. “I’ll give you the money,Reginald…”

She stopped. Taber could hear her breathing in harshly. “I don’t have my purse, but I’ll call the bank. I’ll get you the money…”