The Devil's Due(28)

“Rumor was that the Breed created by that pairing could not be identified as a Breed by any testing, nor by Breed senses. The animal instincts were so completely merged with the human psyche in cunning and in response that the Breed was so superior that they feared the result of allowing it to live. At twelve, the Breed already had the loyalty of every other Breed in the labs, and the scientists only learned later that an uprising had been only days away from the time they terminated his life.”

“It was a male then?” Cassie asked curiously.

Devil shrugged. “They always referred to the Breed as the ‘specimen,’ ‘project’ or an ‘it.’ I assigned the sex myself out of respect for the life taken, nothing more.”

She nodded thoughtfully before turning to her father. “Director Wyatt should have contacted his agent by now. You and I can take that file—” She stopped.

The instant tension that filled her body had Devil as well as Lobo and Dash instantly on guard as Cassie turned back and looked up the stairs.

Devil didn’t wait to ask questions. Instead, he turned and raced up the stairs, aware of the two Breeds moving quickly behind him. Every animal sense inside his body, honed by years of training, instinct and the shadowed war being fought for Breed survival was screaming in alarm. And it was screaming his mate’s name.


The second the door clicked shut behind Devil, Katie came instantly awake.

Regret at his departure joined the subtle ache for his touch as she rose from the bed and quickly dressed, determined to find Khileen and see if she had heard of anything resembling the pleasure she’d found with Devil.

She knew it wasn’t normal. She’d had friends all her life until the world had found out she was actually a Breed, and those friends had had sex often. With more than one man. Some with women. Never had she heard of anything like the pleasure she had just experienced.

Moving into the bathroom, she quickly tamed the wild mass of curls with a detangling comb before tying it back at the nape of her neck.

As she drew her hands back, she glimpsed the mark Devil had left at the bend of her neck and shoulder. His teeth had pierced the skin, though she’d felt none of the pain she would have expected to feel.

Reaching up, she brushed her fingers over the reddened area, the light caress sending a bold shudder to race over her flesh. A sensation of intense pleasure had her thighs tightening and a sense of amazement filling her.

That was no ordinary hickey.

“Wow,” she breathed out, rather impressed now. “Definitely weird.”

As she considered the sensation, her nose wrinkled at the odd scent that teased at it.

That had been happening more and more often. Scents that were out of place, impressions and instincts she wasn’t familiar with.

Shaking her head, she gave a quick glance at the jeans, sleeveless camisole top and sneakers she’d donned to be sure she looked presentable before turning and leaving the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she stilled, her head turning quickly to the balcony doors.

“Eh. Let’s not attempt to run,” the tall male standing inside her room aimed the barrel of a laser gun at her chest and smiled coolly. “I’d hate to have to dispose of you. The price on your head isn’t worth nearly as much if you’re not alive.”

Her senses began exploding then. The impression of Devil, Lobo and Dash quickly nearing her room, fury surging through them as they raced for her.

Devil’s scent was clear, sharp and acrid with his rage. Lobo was determined and definitely furious, but his scent was more calculating. Dash Sinclair’s was icy cold, and all three men were intent on murder.

She stood still, and she waited.

“Rather impressive, mating with the Devil,” the dark-haired stranger drawled. “Perhaps you’ve already conceived.”

She shook her head slowly. She would know if she had.

“You’re too soon,” she said softly. “It’s the wrong time of the month. Besides, Wolf Breeds don’t conceive easily. Remember?”

To that, he gave a muted chuckle. “Most don’t. You, on the other hand, as exceptional as you are, can definitely conceive easily, as I hear it. Now, why don’t you just walk on over here, nice and slow, so I can cuff you and catch our ride out of the ranch.”

She could hear the muffled sound of a covert helicopter moving in on the house. No doubt every Breed in the place could hear it as well. It was quiet, she gave him that. Likely completely silent to him. Someone had definitely done their homework in attempting to hide it. But, they hadn’t quite gotten it right.

“I’d rather die than leave with you.” She shrugged as though unconcerned and prepared herself to move. “And what did you say, the price wasn’t nearly as high if I’m dead?”

He frowned back at her. “I hear the Devil’s besotted with you. From that mark on your neck, I can see that he’s mated you. Do you really want to chance leaving him to a life where he can never have another woman, another lover or a family if I kill you? Wouldn’t you prefer to at least give him the chance to rescue you?”

She shook her head. “I wouldn’t be worth finding.” She smiled then. “Besides, I’m a greedy bitch. I want him to remember me forever.”