The Devil's Due(151)

She could do naught but nod.

And they made love again. It was love, too . . . as he had promised. He’d shown her the emotion that defied reason, time and circumstance.

This time she spoke her words of love as she found the ultimate pleasure. “My heart beats for you now.”

His expression held such a wealth of emotion it brought healing tears to her eyes. “I love you this day and forever, my eagle. My sacred mate.”

“You believed.”

“And now you do.”

She nodded, her throat too choked for more words.

“You will be a bridge between the races.” The words spoken by the celi di Una had met the first time she’d come to the spirit plane washed over them with a power that sent Una’s pleasure spiking again.

“Your children will bless this generation and the ones to come,” the celi di continued to intone.

And then she was gone.

“That was . . .” For once, Una’s Faol warrior appeared lost for words.

“Surprisingly right.” Having a celi di speak a blessing and prophesy like that over them as they consummated their sacred mating was . . . the ancient way of things.

And really beautiful.

The spirit realm melted around them and they were back in her bedroom, her mate still inside her.

He began moving again and she made a sound, not a protest, but perhaps simply shock.

“We have an entire night of joining to look forward to,” he said as if reading her expression.

“But . . .”

“We are sacred mates.”

“And that makes everything perfect?” she asked, even as her body greedily accepted his.

“We make it perfect, or as near as we can. It is up to us, your eagle, my wolf, our humanity to make this mating all that the celi di said it would be.”

“I don’t want to leave the forest.”

“Then I will live here with you.”

“I will go to meet your family,” she offered, and even as the words left her mouth, she knew that a day would come when she would willingly leave her home in the forest behind.

Not today . . . but the day was coming.

Bryant’s smile was blinding, brighter than a thousand candles lit in a single room. “My mother is going to love you.”

“So long as her son does, I will be content.”

“With all my heart.”

“It is a miracle.”

“Don’t you know, Una? Life is a miracle.”

And for the first time in five years, she believed it.